1 year ago

From the producers of DIED SUDDENLY another epic, must watch production, FINAL DAYS...

Final Days’ Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.

SOURCE, Stew Peters Network:

"Final Days", Worldwide Premiere, an extraordinary documentary produced by Stew Peters Network. It's a must watch film, albeit not easy to watch, because it exposes the full nature of the biological weapon launched on humanity by the US Department of Defense (DARPA) in close cooperation with the Pharma cartel, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the World Economic Forum and the World Homicide Organization.

The film skilfully depicts the fools who dare to dance with the DEVIL 👿, while it uses technology to replace humanity with Artificial Intelligence. There is nothing Artificial in Artificial Intelligence, there is only the malevolent attempt by the "Elites" to assume the role of God as described by their psychopathic "Prophet", Yuval Noah Harari, who asks openly...Why do you need humans for? This is the epitome of EVIL, a sad mutation of humanity, who wants to eradicate humanity and usher in the soulless, Godles concept of TRANSHUMANISM. There was no pandemic in 2020, there was a PLAN-DEMIC launched by the worst psychopaths who walked on the face of the earth, to start the process of transitioning the homo sapiens created by the God Almighty, into Godless automatons devoid of free will, conscience and humanity.

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