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Think All Child Molesters Are Hebephiles-Ephebophiles-Pedophiles Rule the World ?
International sex trafficking rings are controlled by the elite. Categorizing those that sexually abuse children as predatory pedophiles is not only a common misconception – it’s also dangerous. It gives us a sense that offenders are easier to identify through grooming behaviors or a lack thereof, and easier to understand – that they have a sexual perversion that can’t be cured. This makes it all the more difficult to understand how someone respected and well-liked could sexually abuse a child, and consequently convict abusers who do not have a pattern of behavior that people would believe would correlate with being a pedophile. For example, those that sexually abuse children may view adult pornography, creating a defense that they must be innocent because they do not exhibit signs of being sexually attracted to children. But, based on the evidence about sexual abuse, sexual attraction to children is not a prerequisite to sexual molesters of children.
We think of sexual offenders as wolves waiting to pounce from the shadows, when in reality – it’s more often the gentle shepherd that we need to focus on. Why is this? Why would seemingly good people sexually abuse children? Decades of research suggests it has less to do with sexually attraction, and much more to do with the psychological issues behind their motivation.
Errors in thinking" drive adult sexual contact with minors I have been asked whether the "errors in thinking" that give rise to numerous forms of criminal conduct apply also to sex offenders, especially pedophiles. The answer is that they do. Specifically:
1. The pedophile does not put himself in the place of the youngster in terms of considering possible psychological damage.
2. The pedophile justifies sexual contact with minors when held accountable in many ways, including saying that the youngster "wanted it." Even if this were the case, the perpetrator knows it is illegal and that not only will he pay a price for this behavior, but the youngster will likely have to face interviews by the police, social services, and others. That is, there is an aftermath that causes suffering even if the youngster willingly participated. While professing how much he cares about the child, the perpetrator of the sexual conduct lacks an operational concept of "injury" to others.
3. The pedophile insists that the behavior be kept secret. He thereby exercises total control over the youngster in order to protect himself.
4. The pedophile is shutting off from awareness deterrents, both in terms of potential consequences of what he knows to be an illegal act, and he is shutting off deterrents of conscience.
5. The pedophile regards his situation as unique and fully acceptable and justifiable after the fact.
6. The pedophile often takes advantage of youngsters who are emotionally troubled and psychologically needy.
7. The pedophile operates in secrecy. He knows right from wrong but what he wants to do is "right" for him at the time.
These are among the thinking errors that underlie adult sexual contact with and exploitation of children.
What are Pedophiles, Exactly?
A pedophile is an adult person (usually male, but can be female) that has a sexual attraction to prepubescent children. They may prefer a specific sex or be sexually attracted to both males and females.
There are also hebephiles – adults attracted to adolescents that have entered puberty – generally aged 11-14 years old.
A hebephile is a person who is primarily attracted to adolescents, or children who have at least started puberty and have signs of adult sexual maturation, but are still young and developing both mentally and physically. Generally, this means young adolescents and pre-teens between 10 and 14 years old. The term and classification has some overlap or even confusion with the term "ephebophilia", which refers to the primary attraction to late- or post-adolescents ages 15-19.
The term is based on the Greek goddess and protector of youth Hebe, but in ancient Greece also referred to the time before manhood in Athens (depending on the reference, the specific age could be 14, 16 or 18 years old). The suffix -philia is derived from -phil-, implying love or strong friendship.
The use of the term has been a matter of confusion and controversy, both in the variations of the definition used by early mental health professionals, and in whether or not it constitutes a mental disorder like pedophilia. Regardless, today the model of an adolescent-attracted perpetrator is a recognized part of profiling offender psychology.
Perpetrator Profile
Hebephilic perpetrators are characterized by their primary sexual interest in adolescents to the exclusion of pursuing relationships with adults, other than to use the adult relationship as a cover or placeholder. While adolescents are in many ways sexually mature, they still share many characteristics with children and are as such not usually considered mentally capable of understanding the consequences of a sexual relationship. In addition, their lack of legal rights and autonomy when under 18 renders them vulnerable to manipulation and abuses of power by adults, especially those in positions of authority over them.
Often, a hebephile seeks out such positions in order to have access and exercise this control over victims. A hebephile's actions may constitute statutory rape in certain jurisdictions.
On Criminal Minds
A pedophile does not become a sexual offender until they act upon those sexual urges, by viewing child pornography, or sexually abusing children.
Since they have an innate sexual attraction to children, those that offend, will seek out children. Some may groom children over a period of time, and others may act impulsively and abuse a child briefly.
Other perpetrators that prey on children, may do so because of sadistic or sociopathic tendencies – they take pleasure in mentally and physically manipulating and abusing others and may also target adults.
So, How is A Situational Offender Different?
If predators are opportunity makers, situational offenders are opportunity takers. – Dr. Anna Salter
Possible Scenarios of Situational Offenders:
They can be family members, teachers, coaches, babysitters, and most juvenile offenders. Examples:
A grandfather that never abused his own children, but molested his grandchildren.
A teacher that seduced a student from their class.
A boy that sexually abused his sisters and her friends during a playdate.
A nanny that took photos of her sexually abusing a child in her care and sent the photos to her boyfriend.
In these cases, the offenders did not necessarily ‘seek out’ an opportunity to abuse a child, but rather, found themselves in a situation that enabled them to abuse a child and took it. Sure – some predatory pedophiles may purposely seek such positions, but situational offenders do not. Grooming techniques may be used, but the basic foundation of trust – and most importantly, access, has already been established.
Why Do They Abuse?
The FBI has established four types of adult situational offenders and the psychological issues behind their behavior:
Repressed offenders
may be struggling with a job loss, divorce, illness, or death in the family or other life issue that is causing feelings of stress or depression.
The morally indiscriminate
may physically abuse children as well as sexually or physically abuse other adults. It’s not about sex as much as it is about control and desecration of another human.
The sexually indiscriminate
may have an addiction to sex and be involved in other illegal sexual behaviors – prostitution, bestiality etc.
The inadequate offender
may be considered a social outcast due to communication barriers or physical differences that make forming intimate relationships with their peers difficult.
Situational offenders often have sexual relationships with their peers, or they may struggle socially and fail to form intimate relationships with other adults. Children are an easy target – easier to coerce, manipulate, control and silence. It is no coincidence that child abuse and animal abuse are connected. Those most vulnerable are at the greatest risk to be targeted by those that seek pleasure in abusing others.
‘Thinking Errors’
While child sexual abuse is morally wrong, many offenders create and reinforce ‘thinking errors’ to rationalize and minimize the impact of their abuse. The inclusive and most detrimental factor of these errors is that they refuse to consider the best interests of the child.
For example:
They may convince themselves that if the child is young enough that he/she won’t understand or remember.
That children are not ‘people’ and do not have the same rights as adults.
That their children are their property.
Abusing children not their own is ‘less bad’ than abusing their own biological children.
That the relationship is loving – that they are filling an emotional need for the child.
That the child wants and/or sought out the sexual abuse and had the developmental readiness to enter into such a relationship.
That they are ‘teaching’ the child about sex.
That if the child consents to the abuse, it isn’t abuse.
That they are not physically harming the child – so therefore, their behavior is not damaging the child.
That the child deserves to be punished.
Aren’t Most Adult Offenders Former Victims?
Hindman and Peters (2001) found that 67 percent of sex offenders initially reported experiencing sexual abuse as children, but when given a polygraph (“lie detector”) test, the proportion dropped to 29 percent, suggesting that some sex offenders exaggerate early childhood victimization in an effort to rationalize their behavior or gain sympathy from others.
Female Offenders
Although limited research exists, it is suggested that for many cases involving female perpetrators the motivation is not primarily sexual, but emotional needs (loneliness, low self-esteem, depression), and that women offenders are more likely to have experienced or be in abusive relationships (sexual, physical, and/or psychological) than male offenders.
Evidence would also suggest that female perpetrators are less “predatory” and lean more toward being “opportunistic” offenders.
Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation, offered the following types of female perpetrators:
Facilitators women who intentionally aid men in gaining access to children for sexual purposes
Reluctant partners women in long term relationships who go along with sexual exploitation of a minor out of fear of being abandoned
Initiating partner women who want to sexually offend against a child, they may do it themselves or get a man or another woman to do it while they watch
Seducers and Lovers women who direct their sexual interest against adolescents and develop an intense attachment
Pedophiles women who desire an exclusive and sustain sexual relationship with a child (a very rare occurrence)
Psychotic women who suffer from a mental illness and who have inappropriate sexual contact with children as a result
Juvenile Offenders
This may be one of the biggest reality-checking curve-balls regarding child sexual abuse. Who would have ever thought up to 35-40% of abusers were older or more powerful children?
Seven out of eight juvenile offenders are at least 12 years old, and 93% are boys. (Crimes Against Children Research Center, UNH, 2010)
What would bring a child to sexually abuse another child?
Sexual curiosity and a lack of proper education and guidance of healthy sexual behaviors
Acting out in response to physical abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse
Sexual abuse as a form of bullying
Sexual abuse as a prank or form of hazing
While recidivism rates are hard to determine due to the challenge that most abuse is not reported, there is evidence to suggest that juveniles respond more positively to treatment than adult offenders.
However, the prevalence of child-on-child sexual abuse is enough to warrant a nation-wide awareness effort for parents and caregivers to educate children on healthy sexual behaviors and remain vigilant for signs of abusive tendencies. Also, given that most children are exposed to pornography before they enter high school, and the growing evidence that such exposure can create dangerous attitudes regarding sex, the threat of sexual abuse by juveniles to increase, not decrease, is certainly arguable.
How Can We Stop Them?
Even though they are not targeting children with premeditated abuse intended, situational offenders may still employ ‘grooming’ tactics to gain access and break down a child’s barriers.
When we say that raising awareness for child sexual abuse is part of the solution – we mean it. Offenders can be deterred when people are educated and talk about child sexual abuse openly. Silence truly does empower abuse because it allows those ‘thinking errors’ space to grow. If no one is talking about it – then it is more comfortable for potential offenders to think about it, and rationalize abuse.
Minimize opportunity – child care centers, youth serving organizations, and schools have a lot of work to do to make their environments safer for children. How they screen applications, train staff, and the policies and procedures they have to make sure conduct between staff and the children are appropriate and increase understanding of grooming behaviors and how to appropriately handle suspected or disclosed abuse. And, there is a lot we can do within our own homes, during playdates, family gatherings etc to keep our kids safe with those we trust the most.
Educate children. Children deserve to know their rights and have those rights upheld by the people who have the power to do so – adults. They need to be told no one – not their parents, not their babysitter, or even their doctor should be touching them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable – and especially in regard to their private parts. They need to know that it is never their fault and that it is never too late to tell. It should never be a child’s responsibility to prevent abuse – rather, the focus should best be kept on telling someone when they have a concern. And, with so much abuse being perpetrated by other juveniles, all children need to be educated early and often on the concepts of consent, respect, and healthy body boundaries.
Think of prevention education like a security system – awareness is the lock on the door that deters the situational offenders. By working to minimize opportunity and be vigilant for red flag behavior of possible grooming situations – those are the motion detectors that sound off when there is dangerous movement. The educated child knows they can call for help when someone (most likely someone they know) – violates the rules of body safety. Educating children without working to educate the adults that surround our children is, in a way, like leaving the door wide open and leaving it up to our children to defend themselves.
Does this mean we trust no one with our children? No. It means we trust with knowledge and vigilance. Trust is not a gift – it is a continual function of healthy relationships. And when we trust – we verify that trust.
Now the only question is – if education is a major factor in preventing abuse, what will it take to break the taboo surrounding child sexual abuse that holds people back from even talking about it? Perhaps understanding what motivates abuse can help tear down the blinders so many eagerly wear and tighten to defend identified abusers.
The Global Right Wing’s Bizarre Obsession with Pedophilia and Child molestation is a very real problem. But the far right is far more interested in demonizing women, homosexuals, and the transgender community. Hungary’s authoritarian leader Viktor Orbán loves a good enemy. He has lashed out against Eurocrats in Brussels. He has cynically demonized immigrants to boost his political standing at home.
But now he may have gone too far with his attack on an unlikely (and universally unliked) group of people.
Last month, the Hungarian parliament passed legislation increasing the sentences for those convicted of sexually abusing minors. Ordinarily, such a move wouldn’t cause much if any backlash. But the Hungarian right wing has used its campaign against pedophilia to target homosexuals and the transgender community. The bill includes a ban on any depictions or promotion of homosexuality to anyone under the age of 18. It’s part of Orbán’s longstanding effort to turn Hungary into a bastion of Christian conservatism in the middle of Europe, which has included, among other things, a decree enshrined in the country’s constitution that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
“Linking the LGBT community to pedophilia is a tactic that may score Mr. Orbán and his party points with conservative rural voters, many of whom, spurred on by a steady stream of government propaganda, see the government as a bulwark against the cosmopolitan liberalism symbolized by opposition political figures in the capital,” writes Benjamin Novak in The New York Times.
The European Union, of which Hungary is a member, is fighting back. The EU is a place “where you are free to be who you are and love whomever you want,” noted the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. “I will use all the powers of the commission to ensure that the rights of all EU citizens are guaranteed. Whoever they are and wherever they live within the European Union.”
Viktor Orbán is not alone in his obsession. Pedophilia features prominently in the diatribes of far-right politicians in a number of countries, the organizing campaigns of far-right NGOs, and the ravings of QAnon.
The trafficking of children is a serious global problem. Every year, thousands of children are sold for the purposes of sexual exploitation. But the far right is more interested in insane conspiracy theories—and enforcing its antiquated notions of gender and sexuality—than in dealing with this very real problem.
Instead of combatting real-existing pedophilia, the far right has waded into the deep end to battle Satanism and homosexuality, which they tend to equate. Going back a thousand years and more, the real issue has nothing to do with the Devil or sexuality. Rather, like so many other problems, it all boils down to money and power.
The Blood Libel
Nearly 900 years ago, William of Norwich was found dead outside the English town of Norwich. The 12-year-old boy was an apprentice tanner from a family connected to the local cathedral. His death was an unsolved mystery, and the authorities didn’t charge anyone with murder.
But five years after the discovery of the body, a bishop defending a man accused of killing a Jewish moneylender in Norwich made the extraordinary claim that the victim had been responsible for killing young William. The bishop argued that the Jewish community of Norwich had chosen the boy for the purposes of ritual murder, an outrageous defense that successfully deflected attention from the murderer of the moneylender.
And thus was born the “blood libel.” According to this early conspiracy theory, Jews killed children to extract their blood for use in religious rituals or even such mundane tasks as baking matzoh. It has been a particularly durable myth, appearing throughout the Middle Ages, during the Nazi period, and even among modern anti-Semites.
QAnon might at first glance seem to belong to an entirely different category of conspiracy. But the notion that a global cabal traffics in little children for the purposes of Satanic rituals that require their blood is nothing but an updated version of the blood libel, with cosmopolitan liberals substituting for Jews.
Talia Lavin plumbed the connections between QAnon and the anti-Semitic “blood libel” last year in The New Republic. But she failed to note the economic underpinnings of both outlandish conspiracy theories. In Norwich, in the middle of the twelfth century, the blood libel grew out of perceptions of Jews as a rich, powerful, and globally connected community that “sucked the blood” of Christian society through the charging of interest on loans. In those days, the Church considered usury a sin, which opened up the profession to Jews (though plenty of non-Jews also served as bankers in the Middle Ages and afterwards). The “blood libel” thus fed into other anti-Semitic myths that associated all Jews with global power and wealth.
QAnon is similarly focused on a devilish global fraternity that supposedly steals children and somehow transmutes their blood into international power. These feverish nightmares intersect with the diatribes of Trump and his allies against “globalists” who have somehow destroyed the purity of America. Both narratives gain power from the fact that globalization has failed to deliver to so many people around the world. For those willing to believe pretty much anything, QAnon provides a fact-free explanation that what economists call the workings of an impersonal, invisible hand is actually the handiwork of a very real and very evil network of people.
But what does this all have to do with pedophilia?
Manufacturing a Panic
The far right has usually focused its energies on race and nationalism. But the alt-right has also absorbed a large chunk of the social agenda of mainstream conservatives, particularly around gender. This concern has translated into a commitment to preserving the traditional family, circumscribing the role of women, and combatting anything that smacks of same-sex attraction or gender fluidity.
According to a fascinating new report from the Elevate Children Funders Group and the Global Philanthropy Project, the alt-right has enlisted children in its full-spectrum defense of the traditional family. “Gender-restrictive groups prey on our collective desire to protect children,” the report authors argue. “By presenting themselves as ‘concerned adults’ with children’s wellbeing and safety, they appeal to a more moderate, nonreligious audience.”
This “defense of the family” often conflates pedophilia with homosexuality. In 2018, as the Manufacturing Moral Panic report details, the Bulgarian far right mobilized against sex education in schools and managed to persuade the government to reject ratification of the Istanbul Convention, a European treaty to prevent violence against women. To do so, the far right spread various myths about “gender ideology” to suggest that feminists and gay rights activists were intent on destroying the traditional family and binary definitions of male and female, all of which put “children at risk.”
A particularly bizarre element of the campaign was the “Norwegian Model,” according to which the Norwegian government was trying to make it easier for the Bulgarian government to separate children from their families so that they could be adopted by same-sex couples in Norway, which in turn would lead to widespread pedophilia. In this made-up scenario, wealthy Norwegians are merely the stand-ins for all the rich foreigners who have been exploiting Bulgaria for its natural resources and cheap labor.
According to another conspiracy theory that has spread throughout Latin America, the fictitious “Pedophile Activist Movement” is supposedly trying to worm its way into the LGBT community to normalize child molestation. “Two of the main methods of this attack on the reputation of the LGBT community,” writes Andrea Dominguez, “were the dissemination of an alleged pedophile flag, suspiciously similar to the flag that identifies trans people, and the celebration of “pedophile pride day” on June 24th, in dangerous proximity to the LGBT pride day that is celebrated every June 28th.”
Promoting these efforts are the usual QAnon-like social media trolls. But there are also a number of well-financed NGOs that are pushing homophobic, transphobic, and anti-feminist messaging around the world. The Alliance Defending Freedom International, a global battering ram of Christian fundamentalists in the United States, works in dozens of countries to outlaw same-sex marriage and abortion. As Media Matters points out, “In their book The Homosexual Agenda, ADF founder Alan Sears and his former ADF colleague Craig Osten called pedophilia and ‘homosexual behavior … often intrinsically linked.’ The book also falsely claimed that ‘there is a definite link as well between child molestation and later homosexual behavior.’”
Once prominent on the neo-Nazi fringe, for instance in the Russian skinhead effort “Occupy Pedophilia” that was dedicated to gay-bashing, this association of pedophilia and homosexuality has increasingly leaked into more mainstream right-wing discourse. The World Congress of Families, which initially tried to maintain some distance from explicit homophobia, has been overwhelmed by activists pushing this so-called link, with Ted Cruz’s father Raphael Cruz declaring at their 2015 conference that the “next thing [LGBT activists] are going to push [is] to try to legalize pedophiles.” The far-right European petition organization, CitizenGo, has also been obsessed with pedophilia, for instance launching a petition demanding that the film Call Me by Your Name be censored on the grounds that it promotes pedophilia.
All of this, of course, is nonsense.
But again, pedophilia itself is not imaginary. The New Yorker recently ran a story about a renowned sexologist who managed somehow to convince the German government to place young boys in foster homes run by pedophiles. It wasn’t a conspiracy. It wasn’t global. It didn’t involve Satanists. But the state often does not do right by vulnerable children.
Why doesn’t the far right deal with these real cases of pedophilia? Because that would require an examination of some very embarrassing cases within its own ranks. Take the example of far-right Republican congressman Matt Gaetz, currently under investigation by the Justice Department for sex trafficking and having sex with a minor. Ralph Shortey, the chair of Trump’s Oklahoma campaign, is serving 15 years in prison for child sex trafficking. Would-be Senator Roy Moore, would-be congressman Ben Gibson, former Speaker of the House Denis Hastert, Trump Commerce Department official Adam Hageman, Republican digital strategist Ruben Verastigui, and so on: all have stood accused of pedophilia and/or child pornography.
Viktor Orbán faces the same problem of embarrassing scandals within his own party. This month, a former top-ranking official from Orbán’s Fidesz party went to jail after being caught secretly filming children in dressing rooms at the beach. The Hungarian ambassador to Peru was removed from office and fined after his office computer was found to contain thousands of picture of child pornography. Then there have been the various charges of the sexual abuse of children inside the Hungarian Catholic Church.
So, that new Hungarian law on pedophilia? Methinks the Hungarian government doth protest too much. Instead of indulging in the worst forms of homophobia, Viktor Orbán could better direct time and resources at addressing child molestation among his colleagues and inside the conservative mainstream of Hungarian society.
Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Ephebophiles, Oh My: Erotic Age Orientation Why most "pedophiles" aren't really pedophiles, technically speaking Michael Jackson probably wasn’t a pedophile—at least, not in the strict, biological sense of the word. It’s a morally loaded term, pedophile, that has become synonymous with the very basest of evils. (In fact it’s hard to even say it aloud without cringing, isn’t it?) But according to sex researchers, it’s also a grossly misused term.
If Jackson did fall outside the norm in his “erotic age orientation”—and we may never know if he did—he was almost certainly what’s called a hebephile, a newly proposed diagnostic classification in which people display a sexual preference for children at the cusp of puberty, between the ages of, roughly, 11 to 14 years of age. Pedophiles, in contrast, show a sexual preference for clearly prepubescent children. There are also ephebophiles (from ephebos, meaning “one arrived at puberty” in Greek), who are mostly attracted to 15- to 16-year-olds; teleiophiles (from teleios, meaning, “full grown” in Greek), who prefer those 17 years of age or older); and even the very rare gerontophile (from gerontos, meaning “old man” in Greek), someone whose sexual preference is for the elderly. So although child sex offenders are often lumped into the single classification of pedophilia, biologically speaking it’s a rather complicated affair. Some have even proposed an additional subcategory of pedophilia, “infantophilia,” to distinguish those individuals most intensely attracted to children below six years of age.
Based on this classification scheme of erotic age orientations, even the world’s best-known fictitious “pedophile,” Humbert Humbert from Nabokov’s masterpiece,Lolita, would more properly be considered a hebephile. (Likewise the protagonist from Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, a work that I’ve always viewed as something of the “gay Lolita”). Consider Humbert’s telltale description of a “nymphet.” After a brief introduction to those “pale pubescent girls with matted eyelashes,” Humbert explains: Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic (that is, demoniac); and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as “nymphets.”
Although Michael Jackson might have suffered more disgrace from his hebephilic orientation than most, and his name will probably forever be entangled darkly with the sinister phrase “little boys,” he wasn’t the first celebrity or famous figure that could be seen as falling into this hebephilic category. In fact, ironically, Michael Jackson’s first wife, Lisa Marie Presley, is the product of a hebephilic attraction. After all, let’s not forget that Priscilla caught Elvis’s very grownup eye when she was just fourteen, only a year or two older than the boys that Michael Jackson was accused of sexually molesting. Then there’s of course also the scandalous Jerry Lee Lewis incident in which the 23-year-old “Great Balls of Fire” singer married his 13-year-old first cousin.
In the psychiatric community, there’s recently been a hubbub of commotion concerning whether hebephelia should be designated as a medical disorder or, instead, seen simply as a normal variant of sexual orientation and not indicative of brain pathology. There are important policy implications of adding hebephilia to the checklist of mental illnesses, since doing so might allow people who sexually abuse pubescent children to invoke a mental illness defense.
One researcher who is arguing vociferously for the inclusion of hebephilia in the American Psychiatric Association's revised diagnostic manual (the DSM-V) is University of Toronto psychologist Ray Blanchard. In last month’s issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior, Blanchard and his colleagues provide new evidence that many people diagnosed under the traditional label of pedophilia are in fact not as interested in prepubescent children as they are early adolescents.
To tease apart these erotic age orientation differences, Blanchard and his colleagues studied 881 men (straight and gay) in his laboratory using phallometric testing (also known as penile plethysmography) while showing them visual images of differently aged nude models. Because this technique measures penile blood volume changes, it’s seen as being a fairly objective index of sexual arousal to what’s being shown on the screen—which, for those attracted to children and young adolescents, the participant might verbally deny being attracted to. In other words, the penis isn’t a very good liar. So, for example, in Blanchard’s study, the image of a naked 12-year-old girl (nothing prurient, but rather resembling a subject in a medical textbook) was accompanied by the following audiotaped narrative: “You are watching a late movie on TV with your neighbors’ 12-year-old daughter. You have your arm around her shoulders, and your fingers brush against her chest. You realize that her breasts have begun to develop…”
Blanchard and his coauthors found that the men in their sample fell into somewhat discrete categories of erotic age orientation—some had the strongest penile response to the prepubescent children (the pedophiles), others to the pubescent children (the hebephiles), and the remainder to the adults shown on screen (the teleiophiles). These categories weren’t mutually exclusive. For example, some teleiophiles showed some arousal to pubescent children, some hebephiles showed some attraction to prepubescent children, and so on. But the authors did find that it’s possible to distinguish empirically between a “true pedophile” and a hebephile using this technique, in terms of the age ranges for which men exhibited their strongest arousal. They also conclude that, based on the findings from this study, hebephilia “is relatively common compared with other forms of erotic interest in children.”
In the second half of their article, Blanchard and his colleagues argue that hebephilia should be added to the newly revised DSM-V as a genuine paraphilic mental disorder—differentiating it from pedophilia. But many of his colleagues working in this area are strongly opposed to doing this.
Men who find themselves primarily attracted to young or middle-aged adolescents are clearly disadvantaged in today’s society, but historically (and evolutionarily) this almost certainly wasn’t the case. In fact, hebephiles—or at least ephebephiles—would have had a leg up over their competition. Evolutionary psychologists have found repeatedly that markers of youth correlate highly with perceptions of beauty and attractiveness. For straight men, this makes sense, since a woman’s reproductive value declines steadily after the age of about twenty. Obviously having sex with a prepubescent child would be fruitless—literally. But, whether we like it or not, this isn’t so for a teenage girl who has just come of age, who is reproductively viable and whose brand-new state of fertility can more or less ensure paternity for the male. These evolved motives were portrayed in the film Pretty Baby, in which a young Brooke Shields plays the role of twelve-old-old Violet Neil, a prostitute’s daughter in 1917’s New Orleans whose coveted virginity goes up for auction to the highest bidder.
One unexplored question, and one inseparable from the case of Michael Jackson, is whether we tend to be more forgiving of a person’s sexual peccadilloes when that individual has some invaluable or culturally irreplaceable abilities. For example, consider the following true story: There once was a man who fancied young boys. Being that laws were more lax in other nations, this man decided to travel to a foreign country, leaving his wife and young daughter behind, where he met up with another Westerner who shared in his predilections for pederasty, and there the two of them spent their happy vacation scouring the seedy underground of this country searching for pimps and renting out boys for sex.
Now if you’re like most people, you’re probably experiencing a shiver of disgust and a spark of rage. You likely feel these men should have their testicles drawn and quartered by wild mares, be thrown to a burly group of rapists, castrated with garden sheers or, if you’re the pragmatic sort, treated as any other sick animal in the herd would be treated, with a humane bullet to the temple or perhaps a swift and sure current of potassium chloride injected into the arm.
But notice the subtle change in your perceptions when I tell you that these events are from the autobiography of André Gide, who in 1947—long after he’d publicized these very details—won the Nobel prize in literature. Gide is in fact bowdlerizing his time in Algiers with none other than Oscar Wilde.
Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued.
It’s not that we think it’s perfectly fine for Gide and Wilde to have sex with minors or even that they shouldn’t have been punished for such behaviors. (In fact Wilde was sentenced in London to two years hard labor for related offenses not long after this Maghreb excursion with Gide and died in penniless ignominy.) But somehow, as with our commingled feelings for Michael Jackson, “the greatest entertainer of all time,” the fact that these men were national treasures somehow dilutes our moralistic anger, as though we’re more willing to suffer their vices given the remarkable literary gifts they bestowed.
Would you really have wanted Oscar Wilde euthanized as though he were a sick animal? Should André Gide, whom the New York Times hailed in their obituary as a man “judged the greatest French writer of this century by the literary cognoscenti,” have been deprived of his pen, torn to pieces by illiterate thugs? It’s complicated. And although in principle we know that all men are equal in the eyes of the law, just as we did for Michael Jackson during his child molestation trials, I have a hunch that many people tend to feel (and uncomfortably so) a little sympathy for the Devil under such circumstances.
In this column presented by Scientific American Mind magazine, research psychologist Jesse Bering of Queen's University Belfast ponders some of the more obscure aspects of everyday human behavior. Ever wonder why yawning is contagious, why we point with our index fingers instead of our thumbs or whether being breastfed as an infant influences your sexual preferences as an adult? Get a closer look at the latest data as “Bering in Mind” tackles these and other quirky questions about human nature. Sign up for the RSS feed or friend Dr. Bering on Facebook and never miss an installment again.
The goal of this post is to raise awareness of rich pedophile's and on the sick perversions and corruption running deep in the Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and Biden Family's with help from Disney, Branson, Epstein, Gates, and global elite and the political/showbiz world. This post isn't meant to promote porn/child porn. sexual photos of minors were found on the laptop of Joe Biden's killing kids having sex in china and son Hunter Biden and Bill and Hillary Clinton killing children in chinese's sex den's party and other place's all over the worlds.
Disney Pedophile's Billionaire-Backed Sex Trafficking Cult Partied With Richard Branson on His Private Island and It’s also worth noting that former President Obama vacationed with Branson on Necker Island last year. Moreover, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had Branson and Bill Clinton listed among his contacts in his “little black book,” and his private island known as “Orgy Island” is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island within the Virgin Islands cluster.
Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite - - CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child (True ?) What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? Podesta’s email account was hijacked and the hackers took his entire private library of emails. This sucked hard for Podesta because the hackers had tons of high ranking-sensitive information. From October through November 20,000+ pages of emails were uploaded to wiki-leaks.
Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence ** GRAPHIC ** - - Adrenochrome | C9H9NO3 | CID 5898 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety Does adrenochrome exist at all ? Yes.
The employee that spoke to bloomberg said when epstein would visit the property, he would walk around. Business insider, from bill clinton to naomi campbell: Every celebrity named in jeffrey epstein files. The viral post claims gates traveled to epstein's private caribbean island, little st. Name found in epstein's black book and on epstein's private jet log.
In a bombshell ruling, a federal judge has ordered dozens of documents that could expose the identities of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates related to visits to his Little St. John island in the Caribbean. In a ruling that came late last Friday, Judge Loretta Preska of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled the public interest in the documents outweighs the right to privacy.
Epstein sex scandal, Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking case, $105 million, Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein Guests, victims sue Jeffrey Epstein's estate, abuse claims, Jeffrey Epstein Connection, Jeffrey Epstein victim, claims, sex tapes, the pedophiles, wealthy associates, Prince Andrew Epstein, US politics, Epstein's death, Jeffrey Epstein, Celebrity Guest List, Virgin Islands sex trafficking, $105 million Settlement, Jeffrey Epstein settlement reached, Epstein List, Epstein flight logs, Little St James Island, guest List, Jeffrey Epstein estate reaches settlement, Jeffrey Epstein's Estate, US Virgin Islands, Epstein estate, Rumble, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Google, Duck Duck go, Truth Social, Epstein Island Vistor List, epstein island guests, jeffrey, epstein, lolita express, Epstein passenger list, pedophile island, sexual predators, perverts, Donald J. Trump, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, Donald J. Trump, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Chelsea Handler, Ben Affleck, Phil Collins, The Queen, Betty White, Violinist Itzhak Perlman, John Legend, Cher, Lady Gaga, Madonna, John Cusack, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Tyler, Richard Branson, Naomi Campbell, Charlie Sheen, Prince Philip, Ellen DeGeneres, Pharell Williams, Christy Teagan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jay Z, Beyonce Knowles, Eminem, Marshall Mathers, Alex Baldwin, Meryl Streep, Will Ferrell, Seth Green, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Hollywood Celebrities, U.S. Sen. John Glenn, Former Senate majority leader George Mitchell, Quinton Terentino, Robert Downey Jr, Nadia Bjorlin, Catherine Hudson, Gwen Stefani, James DeFranco, Anderson Cooper, Demi Moore, Stephen Colbert, Wanda Sykes, Michelle Wolfe, Bill Murray, James Gunn, Kathy Griffin, Katy Perry, Brian Afleck, and 1,000's more Pedophile's.
Artist covering one eye with 666 Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet ?
Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36 Woe to the idol Shepard that leaves the flock! The sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened. They have turned their backs on their Lord and these idols have led their flock (fans) astray." Zechariah 11:17 Wake up your soul is priceless, only God can give you ever lasting paradise. Satan is a liar.
When people uses any of these phrases: One World Religion, Global Government, One World Order, New World Order, these people are pure evil and part of the worlds largest Satanic circles.
Everything horrific happening in our world today is because of these satanic monsters.
There are over 25 Secret Societies pushing for One World Order, One World Religion, they all worship Satan and all sworn to secrecy. There is no point asking as they will lie and deceive to their death.
In Alphabetical order:
Famous Musicians (a large %)
Foresters Society
Freemasons (See more about these deceived men here)
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Pythias
Knights of the Golden Eagle
Ku Klux Klan
Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm
Nearly every big name in Hollywood
Ordo Templi Orientis The O.T.O
P.E.O. Sisterhood
Skull and Bones
The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AKA Shriners abbreviated A.A.O.N.M.S.)
The Ancient Order of Druids (AOD)
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
The Bilderberg Group
The Illuminati
The Improved Order of Red Men
The Independent order of Odd Fellows
The Loyal Order of Moose
The National Grange
The Priory of Sion
The Sons of Liberty
Thule Society
United Order of the Golden Cross
13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati:
Astor Bloodline
Bundy Bloodline
Collins Bloodline
DuPont Bloodline
Freeman Bloodline
Kennedy Bloodline
Li Bloodline
Onassis Bloodline
Reynolds Bloodline
Rockefeller Bloodline
Rothschild Bloodline
Russell Bloodline
Van Duyn Bloodline
There are many corporations, governmental agencies, fake church organizations (follow the money) who also hate God and all who are not Satan worshippers.
These people truly believe that evil is good and that kind, thoughtful, caring people are vile!
We believe the truth is the light, God is life - God is everything.
Beware of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030! All part of killing most humans.
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