Drunkenness In The Spirit!

1 year ago

Today the title of my message is drunkenness in the spirit. I do mean the right type of spirit, not the spirit of beer or wine or any type of alcohol, but the spirit of God, in other words, the Holy Spirit!

I love reading about the gospel greats and all the miracles and great thing is that many men and women so in their ministry. I actually find it very encouraging to read about the stories and to learn from these individuals that run the race in a great way.

However, I remember hearing Nathan Morris speaking at my old church and saying how he loved hearing about the gospel greats. The thing is that these people are now in heaven, they have run the race and now it’s our turn!

As Christians, Jesus died on the cross and set us free, he also left us with his Holy Spirit that gives us truth and power into all things. We have the opportunity to walk in the Holy Spirit and to die to the flesh. I’m not there yet, but I’m hoping I’m moving towards being that way.

Smith Wigglesworth the great evangelist who was a humble Yorkshireman, who was a plumber by trade. He saw so many miracles and even people raised from the dead, he literally was full of the Holy Spirit. I really love to hear the stories of Smith Wigglesworth, it’s really encouraging. However, we need to remember that the same spirit that lived in Jesus is available to each and every one of us. We only have to ask! I think half the problem is that most of us fail to ask and we wonder why we are struggling so much. However, when we genuinely call on the name of Jesus, he will answer us.

Scriptures used in this video.

Psalm 96

Ephesians 5:18 – 19

Acts 2:1 – 5

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