The Condensation Trail Con

1 year ago

i Am a Certified HVAC Technician, i Have Worked In General Contracting Since i Was 14 Years Old Working In Powerhouses On Boilers. I Know What Condensation Is. There Are Way Too Many Stupid People Out Here Trying To Counter What Is Obvious To Everyone, With Their Ignorance Of Real Science. Masks Have Never Protected From Viruses, And We Have All Known That Since The 1970's When OSHA Standards Were Set. Also, So Many Don't HAve a Clue How A Vaccine Is Supposed To Work, Thus They Believe The Unvaccinated Are a Threat To Vaccinated People. Completely BAss Akwards Thinking, Yet They Will Push, Get Loud and Even Violent In Efforts To Force Others To Accept Their Ignorance As Truth. Then There Are The Chemtrail Geo Engineering Deniers That Wanna Bring Their "Corrections" In The Comments Sections Of Chemtrail Videos That Are Showing The Obvious Spraying. How Stupid Do You Have To Be ?!! Click on full screen view in your rumble player.

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