The Ultimate Guide to Keto Diet: Achieve Rapid Weight Loss and Boost Energy! #keto #weightloss

1 year ago

Custom Keto Diet HONEST REVIEW Look inside the Members Area #keto

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If you want to lose fat, you must try this brand new custom keto meal plan.
To create this service, certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs united to develop keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-efficient, and enjoyable.
Since its launch in January 2019, hundreds of clients have transformed their figures and health with the benefits of a proper keto diet.
Speaking of benefits: in this email, you’ll discover eight scientifically-proven ones the keto diet offers.

Benefit #1: the keto diet can help you obtain (and maintain!) a healthy weight

The keto diet is excellent for losing fat and keeping it off. For example, a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials concluded that:

“Individuals assigned to a VLCKD [very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet] achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to an LFD [low-fat diet] in the long term; hence, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.”

Moreover, randomized controlled trials found that the keto diet produces up to three times as much weight loss as a high-carb, low-fat diet.

In other words, if you want to lean down but are sick and tired of failing your weight loss attempts, the keto diet may be the key to a slim figure.

Benefit #2: the keto diet boosts brain function

When going on keto, most people experience an improvement in their brain function and mental clarity.

The keto diet supports your brain in various ways and for various reasons. A significant reason is that ketosis enhances mitochondrial functioning.

Researchers believe ketosis stimulates the formation of new mitochondria in your brain, especially in your hippocampus. This aids your mental clarity, memory, and energy levels.

Benefit #3: the keto diet can help manage or even reverse diabetes

Many studies show minimizing carb intake benefits people with diabetes. In fact, the keto diet was the standard diabetes treatment before the discovery of injectable insulin.

Consider the following:

Research published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that when type 2 diabetics went low-carb for two weeks, they improved insulin sensitivity by up to 75%.

And another study involving 21 individuals with type 2 diabetes found that seven could stop their diabetes medication within 16 weeks of going keto.

Benefit #4: the keto diet reduces heart disease risk

While saturated fat and cholesterol are often alleged to clog arteries, these compounds do not cause heart disease.

That’s good news for keto dieters because this eating style loads up on high-fat foods such as eggs, nuts, and bacon.

Benefit #5: the keto diet may prevent and fight some types of cancer

Most cancer cells rely on glucose as fuel, so keto diets may help prevent and fight the disease.

For instance, when in-vitro cancer cells only receive ketones and fat for energy, they often die. Plus, various studies show the keto diet helps fight brain cancer.

In fact, the keto diet reduces heart disease risk for four main reasons. The keto diet:

- Stimulates weight loss
- Elevates levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol
- Decreases blood triglycerides levels
- Reduces blood pressure

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