BOOST your ACFT Score 4 EASY Steps ⚡️

11 months ago

BOOST your ACFT Score 4 EASY Steps ⚡️ with this 20 minute kettlebell circuit

►Free ACFT Guide (Hybrid Warrior )

1️⃣ American Kettlebell Swings - From a hip hinge position, swing the kettlebell up overhead, working your glutes, hamstrings, core, and shoulders. This explosive movement will boost your power and endurance, key for the ACFT's Standing power throw & sprint-drag-carry event.

2️⃣ Supine Kettlebell Chest Press - Lying on your back, press kettlebells up from chest level. This exercise works your chest, shoulders, and triceps, improving your strength for the ACFT's hand-release push-up event.

3️⃣ Kettlebell Goblet Squats - Hold the kettlebell close to your chest and drop into a squat. This move targets your entire lower body and core, essential for building the strength needed in the ACFT's deadlift event.

4️⃣ In-and-Outs Ab Workout - Seated on the floor, bring your knees in towards your chest, then extend your legs out. This move is killer for the abs and will help you ace the plank, the new ACFT core event.

Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before moving on to the next one. Complete the full circuit twice and if time allows, start the third round and go as far as you can.

Remember: quality reps over quantity. Focus on your form for the most effective workout. 💯

ACFT 2.0 Version is coming soon - If you have downloaded the first version you will get an email when it launches and get a 7 day trial on me, so if you haven’t downloaded the first guide go get it to get a trial on V2!

Take control of your fitness journey and make those ACFT scores soar! Want more guidance? DM me for personalized training plans and daily support. Your strongest self is waiting.

#kettlebellworkout #armycombatfitnesstest #fitnesstips

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