Babar Azam Batting Cover Drive

1 year ago

Babar Azam's cover drive is one of the most elegant and destructive shots in world cricket. It is a textbook example of how to hit a cover drive, with all the components coming together perfectly.

Azam starts by getting into his stance, with his feet shoulder-width apart and his weight slightly forward. He then brings his bat up to his shoulder, with his head still and his eyes on the ball. As the ball is delivered, Azam uncoils his body and swings his bat through the air, making contact with the ball in front of his body. The ball then travels off the bat with a sweet, clean sound, racing to the boundary for four runs.

What makes Azam's cover drive so special is the way he hits it with such timing and precision. He rarely mistimes the shot, and when he does, it is usually only by a fraction. This allows him to hit the ball with great power and control, which is why it is such a difficult shot for bowlers to defend.

Azam's cover drive has been a major weapon in his arsenal since he first burst onto the international scene. He has used it to great effect in all formats of the game, and it has helped him to become one of the most prolific batsmen in the world.

Here are some of the key features of Babar Azam's cover drive:

* **Timing:** Azam has impeccable timing, which allows him to hit the ball with great power and control.
* **Precision:** Azam rarely mistimes the ball, and when he does, it is usually only by a fraction.
* **Power:** Azam hits the ball with great power, which allows him to clear the boundary with ease.
* **Control:** Azam hits the ball with great control, which allows him to place it exactly where he wants it.

Azam's cover drive is a truly special shot, and it is one of the main reasons why he is considered to be one of the best batsmen in the world.

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