Google your name, That will prove that you are & always have been a nobody, or just a 1980's blank

1 year ago

wow only 96 views in 10 days Those are the only numbers anyone need to see. Post your real name, or would you like for me to with your criminal record Your are telling lies. Google never said a word to me. I never said compair page names I didn't make a video , you did. Google your name That will prove that you are & always have been a nobody. WAPTEC isn't your name is it You are getting all results for waptec, not just your channel. Put your real name in there I said Name. I was talking about your real name you Idiot. Again You Just said it. Your Name and My Name. Use your real name I was looking up your name I was talking about your real name. When will you make a video about you and your criminal record and what you did You won't use your real name because you don't want people to know what you did Tell the truth Put your real name in the search and show your criminal record while you are at it.

But apparently it bothers you because you just made a huge deal about it. It doesn't matter if it is important to him... but you just said that "a measure of a man is not made up by his likes or subscribers ". But obviously it matters very much to you because you just made this whole worthless video about something you say shouldn't matter.

Who gives a damn how pathetic are you!! Nothing better than to do a stream on!!

Ahh anus come on anus you can talk say something anus come on anus use your little brain anus come on anus say something intelligent anus. If you spent as much time using ur brain you might not have little man syndrome anus

How to Be Invisible 2000 by JJ luna vs? the thumbnail lol**/ = most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!


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