The Latest Research in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Dr. Zayd Ratansi

1 year ago







The episode is sponsored by: New Leaf Hyperbarics & Wellness Dr. Zayd Ratansi, a physician who specializes in hyperbaric oxygen therapy and red light therapy, joins the show. Dr. Zayd explains his
role in working with O2 providers to bridge the gap between patients and physicians by providing research-based knowledge of hyperbaric therapy. He also discusses the importance of risk assessment reports for patients to take to their doctors.
May and Tim express their excitement about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and how it has been helpful to them. They also mention Matt McCarl, the owner of New Leaf Hyperbarics & Wellness in
Eugene, who often mentions Dr. Zayd in relation to hyperbaric therapy and red light therapy. Overall, this episode provides valuable information about these two types of therapy and their
benefits. Thanks for sticking with us this week!
And don't forget our new weekly DOCTALES livestreaming on Facebook and YouTube where you get to be part of the party!


You can reach Dr. Zayd on his website.
Interested in Red Light Therapy? Reach out to New Leaf Hyperbarics & Wellness for a consultation.

Our Advice!
Everything in this podcast is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of medicine and we are not providing medical advice. No Physician-patient relationship is formed and
anything discussed in this podcast does not represent the views of our employers.

The Fine Print!
All opinions expressed by the hosts or guests in this episode are solely their opinion and are not to be used as specific medical advice. The hosts, May and Tim Hindmarsh MD, BS Free MD LLC, or any affiliates thereof are not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided in this episode. The guest's statements and opinions are subject to change without notice. Thanks for joining us! You are the reason we are here. If you have
questions, reach out to us at or find Tim and May on Facebook and IG.

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