Dystopian Homesteader | Electroculture Farming No-Dig Beds Under A Chalky White Sky

1 year ago

In a new series called Dystopian Homesteader, Michael O'Bernicia chronicles the transformation of his back garden in Newcastle, from an overgrown home allotment in Autumn 2022, into an increasingly abundant homestead in Spring 2023, using both No-Dig and Electroculture principles as the foundations of the ambitious project, dedicated to maximising the organic food produced, with a view to becoming as self-sufficient as possible whilst living in the city.

The project is very much a work-in-progress and The Bernician does not purport to be anything other than an amateur gardener who enjoys learning from his mistakes and then vowing never to repeat them. As a consequence, he has enjoyed more successes than debacles and therefore feels compelled to pass on what he has learned in the hope it will be of benefit to others.

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