SWN 2June2023 - Mark Tinsley’s 3/16/23 testimony provides Alex Murdaugh grounds for new trial

1 year ago

Creighton Waters' politically driven prosecution of Alex Murdaugh relied heavily upon Mark Tinsley's testimony
(and Tinsley's strategy) even though Creighton and his boss - AG Alan Wilson - knew or should have known that Tinsley is an unethical habitual liar who has repeatedly demonstrated an utter disregard for the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Tinsley was never a credible unbiased witness, his testimony should not have been before the jury, and he should not have had even a whiff of a hint of influence over the prosecution of Alex Murdaugh. At a minimum, Tinsley had a huge financial interest in convicting Alex.

And, what happened to Private Investigator Sara Capelli's video tapes, of both Paul Murdaugh (from 3 days before the murders), and from a
camera allegedly placed at the driveway to Moselle? Where are these videos? What info is on the videos? These videos were allegedly given to SLED a year before the Murder trial, where did they disappear to?

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