WISDOM BITS - these truths for minorities are just narcissistic NGO leaders' victimhood defenses

1 year ago

Weak people always become slaves of the accumulations they have made in their mind. They serve the tools, instead of just making use of them. They need these truths to be mindlessly listened to by the followers, because those followers are nothing more than the armies that are DEMANDED to protect the Hivemind's ego :D Hence why "rights" are given to those followers. But in a sick society there are no rights, it's just a prison of the mind. You've been given no attention by anyone around and suddenly this is your new home. Your new haven. This in a normal society. In a sick society any form of safety is a prison. And it must be pleasant so you enjoy it, and narcissists can rest assured that you won't even think about rebelling. Eh? Sounds familiar much now?

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