Complex Kosovo Situation Broken Down By Vanessa Beeley - UK Column News - 2nd June 2023

1 year ago

- KFOR attacked Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija: There are wounded, bursts of fire echo
- Syriana Analysis: Kosovo-Serbia tension: History, latest flare-up and what’s the solution?
- PA News Agency/Bracknell News: Serbs gather in northern Kosovo town after clashes with Nato peacekeepers
- U.S.-owned NATO KFOR vehicle painted with “Z” graffiti
- 10 News First: Kosovo clashes intensify between NATO Troops and Serbian Protesters
- Times: US troops deployed to Kosovo streets following violent protests
- FT:  US restricts co-operation with Kosovo after ethnic tensions flare up
- EU External Relations head, Josep Borrell Fontelles:
“We have three clear requests:
New local elections now.
Ensuring the participation of Kosovo Serbs.
Start the work to establish the Association of Serbian Majority Municipalities w/in EU facilitated Dialogue.”
- Serbian president had a short conversation with Zelensky at the summit in Moldova
- President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, gave an interview to the Italian newspaper La Stampa
- Ukraine Today— Croatian President: Glory to Ukraine is “the slogan of chauvinists who killed Jews and Poles”

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