eminem diss freestyles 1

1 year ago

to my haters keep coming you coward ass shit talkers. satan is a defeated foe and eminem said he was the antichrist and it is evident that he sold his soul for riches and fame as he said it many times and invokes satan and so satan writes all of his raps outside of space and time. the man has no skill because he sold his soul twice as he has said and now the wrath of God is coming for him as he who has sent me has chosen me a man who has hated eminem since day one. all you other haters that barely hated him later on will not destroy eminem but i will in time. my freestlyes are real no punchline after punchline sounding exactly as good as something i wrote for the logic of that makes no sense then why doesnt eminem release like ten new songs everyday if he can just freestyle as good as his written trash??? either way you cannot read his mind and know if any of it is actually freestyle even with a random word generator you can sort of tell a persons skill level but ultimately freestyles will be judged by God as all liars will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone as written. a freestyle is not perfect nor does it sound like something you carefully crafted and took your time with creating it. there is filler trash in it like habits you have said before in other freestyle with slightly different rhythms and slightly or drastically written differently but freestyle grows as you keep at it building a library in your head. what should impress my crowd more is what i take time to actually carefully craft because again you are not a mind reader and know what is freestyle and what is a prewritten perfect rap like these other idol rapper trash bitches. my carefullly written lyrics are on my other channels and now we have AI which can be used as ghostwriters but for now on my new songs will be recorded while i make it from scratch to prove AI is not helping me but beyond all my hard work and practice for more than 15 years in total not super consistent but i never quit, i owe it all to Jesus Christ who died for my future dreams to come true but yes it will cost fire to get there as many haters will come at me also and it will take them fire as well to get to me. for as long as eminem lasted being a superstar idol with many followers, money and women so shall i have double for my trouble because i havent sold my soul. i dont invoke demons and praise satan like eminem who probably has never read the whole bible and is a super perverted child programming ear molestor fggt. fuck you fans who defend him like your God and quickly throw a stone at me as if eminem was your God and not Jesus. i havent sold my soul so if you dont like me then you dont like the one that sent me. period. also my singing here is bad because i slow down the recording to have the speed when im recording so i have to extend air longer and slower so it sounds wierd sometimes but when i record at a normal speed then hear my written works on my other channels to know what my voice really sounds like when singing. many will deny it but then you bare false witness and with what measure ye mete it will be measured unto you again when you are in my position with 3 times more fire so you learn not to throw stones at me again!

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