Why Misery Doesn't Always Lead to Discontent! #shorts #psychology #selfimprovement #tyranny

1 year ago

About this video
These are quotes from "The True Believer"

"The True Believer" is a classic non-fiction book written by Eric Hoffer, and published in 1951. It is a study of mass movements and their impact on society. The book analyzes the motivations behind why people join and participate in these movements and delves into the psychological and sociological aspects of why they are attracted to them. Hoffer argues that mass movements arise when people feel disillusioned with their current situation and are looking for a sense of purpose and identity. This book is considered a seminal work in the field of social psychology and is still widely read today.
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#massmovements #woke #psychology #socialjustice #blacklivesmatter #hope #humanrights #love #blm #erichoffer #socialpsychology #personalgrowth

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