Why I'm BANNED FOREVER From YouTube!

1 year ago

As the 2024 Democratic primary campaign season begins to heat up, YouTube is already showing us which candidate they support: President Joe Biden -- and woe be unto you if you don't!

Since Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. entered the presidential race to challenge #Biden for the Democratic nomination last month, suddenly YouTube has started removing videos of past interviews with #RFKJr, and punishing the channels of the creators who posted the videos.

Examples include Mike Tyson, whose "Hotboxin'" podcast interview with Kennedy had been up for 2 years with millions of views. Comedian Theo Von's 3 year-old interview with RFK Jr. was also removed last week. Other channels punished by YouTube with strikes for posting Kennedy content include The Kim Iverson Show and Dark Journalist, the Indie News Network, TNT Radio Talk Show Host Misty Winston, and yours truly.

I've been posting news videos to my personal YouTube channel @LoriSpencer for years with no problems at all. It wasn't until RFK Jr. entered the 2024 race against Joe Biden that the trouble started with YouTube.

The new podcast "RFK All The Way" that I co-host with Matthew Tower was immediately removed minutes after it was posted, and a strike was placed against my channel on May 5 citing "medical misinformation," even though we never spoke of Covid or the vaccines. (You can listen to that episode here on my Rumble channel, along with all episodes that were CENSORED by YouTube.) Strike 1.

No sooner had I served my first sentence in YouTube jail for 7 days, I was banned again less than 24 hours later for posting an interview I did with Misty Winston on the TNT Radio Network talking about Bobby Kennedy's chances running in the corrupt Democratic party. My channel was struck again citing the community guidelines on "election integrity." Strike 2.

After that, YouTube permanently demonetized my channel. More punishment.

The message: "if you talk about Robert Kennedy on this platform, we will hurt you." And they did. (YouTube channel members and Super Chats were my primary source of income for my independent journalism online.)

After 14 days in YouTube jail, my channel was struck a 3rd and final time for uploading Episode 5 of the RFK Campaign supporters podcast. This time no reason was given for the strike. I appealed the decision, the appeal was denied on June 1 with no specific reason provided as to why I was censored from the platform permanently.

But I think we all know why...don't we?

(*FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a volunteer recruiter for the Kennedy24 campaign. Visit my profile page at http://Kennedy24.com/LoriSpencer )

(UPDATE: On June 1, Instagram also banned the RFK Jr. Campaign!)

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