20 Marbles and 2 months

1 year ago

I prayed on this and this is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me: IT WAS NOT ME THAT WAS ASKED TO PICK UP THE 20 MARBLES, IT WAS NOT ME THAT WAS ASKED TO HOLD THE 20 MARBLES IN MY HAND. 20 MARBLES ARE THE REMNANT ABOUT TO BE SAVED OUT OF THE EARTH BY JESUS. THE BASKET WAS FULL OF THE SOULS ON THE EARTH. As only a remnant will be saved (Raptured). As for the 2 months, I was given nothing more, But I do NOT believe this is a Rapture warning as God would never reveal when the Rapture will come. So this may be a warning for war, economic collapse, pestilence, and earthquakes, or something else, the point is to be in Jesus as He is the only one who can save us now. The basket of marbles in my dream was 4 times the size of this basket and was 3/4 full of marbles. And only 20 were saved, we need to all work to make that 21 or 24 or more. (keep in mind this was only a dream, but a significant & prophetic dream).

THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU for your prayers, love & support of this Last Days ministry: We mail out free books, KJV Bibles & CDs all FREE of charge to all who ask, we even mailed a KJV Bible into Saudi Arabia. (THANKS TO YOU). Because of your love & support of this Last Days ministry and with the help & direction of the Holy Spirit, we have mailed out over 10,000 WARNING letters & CD titled THE WARNING from our kitchen table (https://www.bitchute.com/video/x5BHey9YyEUd/ ) to every Assembly of God Church in America. We have mailed out approximately 650 water filters with a Bible in each one & half were sent out to the needy for FREE. We mail out King James Bibles to anyone for free. We even mailed a Bible to Saudi Arabia. If you would like to help support this ministry click the link below for several options or write to: Tony Lamb, POBox 41, Dardanelle, AR 72834
Our store is now open: (shirts, mugs & baseball caps) with our most popular sayings and logos from this ministry (that are for donation only to help support this Last Days ministry).
Please see our online store here and take a look; these make great gift ideas: https://tony-lamb.myshopify.com/

I have water filters back in stock with the (included ceramic filter/s)' When you donate for a water filter you will also receive a FREE red letter edition KJV Bible, and a FREE book, either: IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE or GOD SHOWED ME THE FUTURE (sorry our choice per availability) and a FREE P-38 can opener. Also while supplies last I will include a 24" by 36" MEGA heavy-duty reclosable clear plastic bag, this bag has many uses including laundry. Please see here for details to order for a donation: https://www.ebay.com/itm/175493001158

To order your copy of my new book: 'THE TRIBULATION click here:

To order your copy of: 'IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE' click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1695677153

To order a copy of: 'GOD SHOWED ME THE FUTURE' click here:

or you can request a free copy from me digital or hard copy.

* Here is the link where it shows you how easy it is to build your own water filter: https://tonylamb.org/waterfilter.pdf

We refuse to attend an apostate church that lies and reads and teaches a false gospel from books that are not the word of Almighty God, (which is found ONLY in the KJV Bible or the 1611 KJV Bible) BUT are in fact written by men & women (who are in sin) and are not inspired by God.

This is why we use ONLY the KJV Bible, Please Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sqoBX86nv0

See my videos on youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/c/TonyLambWatchman

Or see my videos at: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/tonylamb
Or on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/user/TonyLambWatchman

See here to start your own home church: http://www.AzusaSt.com
Here is the home website: https://www.TonyLamb.org
Thank you for your love, support and your prayers for this Last Days Mission for God.
You are 'NOT a Partner' in this ministry, 'YOU ARE FAMILY'!

* Hear the: 'THE WARNING' free here at: https://www.bitchute.com/video/x5BHey9YyEUd/

Please email me AT: watchmensreport(at)gmail(dot)com or write to: Tony Lamb, POB 41, Dardanelle, AR 72834
To request prayer, a free Bible or a free book:

Now is NOT the time to follow a preacher, a church or even a religion (NOT EVEN ME)
God Bless you
Watchman Tony Lamb

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