He referred to the vaccine as a "life saving medicine". The life ending vaccine kills him.

1 year ago

Yet another dumb facebook user by the name of Chris Takacs became a complete scumbag by promoting the poison that is the covid-19 vaccine died after taking a couple of doses that resulted in his death. In my previous video, I actually talked about how facebook is a CIA operation whose sole purpose is to kill off people by controlling their behavior through their censorship and propaganda for the world government's depopulation agenda. Look at how successful their operation has become. It manipulated this man into killing himself by influencing him to take the vaccine which ended his life. Billions of more adults and sadly, even children will die off from the vaccines in the next few years. This is why social media should have never existed. More importantly, nobody should ever depend on a governmental currency for anything ever again, especially a digital kind or else they will be influenced or coerced to do something from the government's command that will only bring about destruction to their lives.

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