6/9/23 Give Us a King Like All the Nations! "The Counterfeit Messiah" part 5 S2E6p5

1 year ago

“Give Us a King Like All the Nations!”
For our final show before our big relocation break, we look prophetically at the day when the devil will resurrect another old trick – one that misled nearly the entire Jewish nation of old, and will mislead nearly the entire Christian church in the days to come. This one might hurt a bit, friends, not because it’s a complicated truth, but because it’s one many of us don’t want to hear. But take heart, because the goal is to know the real Jesus Christ and to love His soon appearing; any difficult choices we must make in the meantime are all worth it when we meet Christ Jesus face to face.

"The Counterfeit Messiah" Part 5: 6/9/23
This week we’re tackling an issue that Jesus Himself says is so deceptive that it will cost the salvation of the very elect of God, if that were possible: false christs and false prophets.

Season 2 Episode 6
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