Is Tolerance Today's Supreme Virtue?

1 year ago

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You’re listening to Search the Scriptures Daily, a program in which we encourage everyone who desires to know God’s truth to look to God’s Word for all that is essential for salvation and living one’s life in a way that is pleasing to Him. Last week we touched upon some things in Dave Hunt’s book: Seeking and Finding God, subtitled, In Search of the True Faith. Now, some things, Dave, that I think we should expand upon. For example, we noted being tolerant of everything is today’s supreme virtue and being intolerant of anything, especially anything religious, could land you in jail. Now, in the face of that, in view of that, you make some rather, might I say intolerant declarations in your book. Such as, “The beliefs of many religious people are little more than sanctified superstitions.” You state that the Bible declares itself to be the only inspired Word of the one true God, and that it claims that all of the world’s religions and their sacred scriptures are false. Then, you sort of bring it all to a head by challenging anyone who’s seeking after God and ultimate truth to start with the Bible rather than attempting to search all the religions of the world. And you give your primary reason for having somebody do that, if they start with the Bible, well, to start with the Bible because only It, you say, has features that make it possible to substantiate its claims.

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