Connecting the Hidden Dots in Plain Sight (2020)

1 year ago

Connecting the Hidden Dots in Plain Sight (2020)
Imagine if we all lived a controlled world purposely set to begin anew every few hundred years? Imagine if our history was systematically wiped out via war, disease, famine, weather and cataclysmic events which leave us in a state of "global" amnesia. Taking refuge in the catacombs created via their previous resets, the elite resurface with child-slaves in hand, brainwashed and ready to be reintroduced into "re-creation" parks, entertained with countless "amusement parks" displayed on carousel wheels where they are bought and sold at "Carn-ivals" then shipped to repopulate the newly looted cites.

Guised as kings, queens, government and the ultimate authority, the elite create the paradigm which serves to keep order in this "New World" for the following few centuries.

Dig deep with me into the catacomb of our minds wherein lies remnants of truth hidden right before our eyes.

This video is not monetized it was made out of love for Truth and to awaken consciousness in us all. Please leave your thoughts, and comments below for open discussion and share this with other like minds.

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