Nahum Part VI: Desolation, Decimation, Devastation! (2:1-13)

1 year ago

#Yahweh #DivineWarrior #endtimes

We’re continuing our study of the book of Nahum. In this study we will go through chapter 2.

I personally learned a lot preparing this study. I wasn’t aware of how much supernaturalism was laced throughout Nahum chapter 2.

The chapter begins with a description of the Divine Warrior and his army coming to do battle. While a surface reading leads one to believe the primary enemy is Nineveh, Nineveh is actually not mentioned until verse 8. This ambiguity is intentional and encourages us to view this battle in a cosmic eschatological sense; which links directly with the book of Revelation and #MysteryBabylon

We also find multiple references to the goddess Ishtar throughout the chapter. Additionally, we will discover allusions to the Rephaim, the primeval sea, the chaos of Genesis 1:2, and poisoned spiritual water. Finally, we will seek to discover the identities of the lion, lioness, young lion, and lion’s cub.

Join us as we continue exploring this amazing book of prophecy!

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