Bud's Permanently Tarnished Brand, DeSantis' Furry Battle, and Following the Money, with Adam Curry

1 year ago

Megyn Kelly is joined by Adam Curry, host of the No Agenda Show podcast, to talk about following the money about who benefits from the culture war, Target facing massive backlash, whether Budweiser has permanently tarnished its brand, corporate interests winning while the public loses, the culture war coming, whether the gay and lesbian community will speak out more about the transgender ideology, an MLB player forced to make a public apology, a bizarre new defense of VP Kamala Harris' terrible speeches, Gov. Ron DeSantis' furry battle in Florida, the difference between the actions of adults and kids, the completely new media ecosystem outside the gatekeepers, the importance of religion for children to make them feel more loved and less lonely, victim mentality on campuses and in culture, the new media talking point that Ron DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump, Biden accuser Tara Reade defecting to Russia, and more.

Curry: https://www.noagendashow.net

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