British Education System Is Run By Sadistic Mafia #Childabusers #pimps #feminists #lgbtq

1 year ago

British Government has been working towards destroying everything that was once great in a small country. Built by our ancestors.

British Tax payers are paying the worst of people to educate and manipulate our children. Who've spent money on such expensive courses. So they follow them religiously. They religiously work towards destroying the souls in the children's bodies. Their natural Fitra. Innocence.

Olly Pike is But one Agent of Dajjals system who is printing off porn books for children to be made to read.

If every parent is not fully alert to what is being taught in the classroom. Especially in mixed gender schools. You've failed as a Parent.

Our Muslim world has been under lock and key for 100 years. Shaytaan has turned this world upside down. We are not from those who will be silenced. WE SPEAK AND FIGHT AGAINST OPPRESSION

Teachers are cowards. Who Enforce this filth on impressionable pupils Abusing in schools. What type of Adult would do this. They're normalising Pedophilia.

We Must Have Sharia Laws Established for Our Muslim communities Around the World. This is something The Salafees. Fight against. Because they also work for Dajjal.

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