Rosie Repossesses Her Own Home & Evicts Land Pirates

1 year ago

On Friday 21 April 2023, just after 9:00am, four land pirates banged on the door of 59 Southgate Street in Bury St Edmunds, demanding that the owner, Rosie Copeland, give up possession of her home to them and claiming that they had the right to use force to take the property, under the purported authority of a forged High Court Writ of Possession and a fraudulently registered mortgage.

After reporting these serious offences to the court, Rosie was told that she would have to wait for a minimum of 13 weeks, before a judge would even look at her urgent application for an order striking out the forged writ and ordering that she be restored to her home, so the UCT Alliance put together a Restoration Crew, to help her exercise her Common Law Right of Restitution.

In the complete absence of justice being obtainable in the broken courts system, the UCT Alliance assembled its legal team and a bundle of damning evidence supporting a criminal complaint made to the local police, who agreed to investigate the matter further and promised that they would not return to remove Rosie from her property, should she retake lawful possession of it.

This video, which features an interview of the fearless grandmother back in her home on Southgate Street, tells the extraordinary, inspiring and ultimately uplifting story of how Rosie and the exemplary UCT Restoration Crew peacefully repossessed her home with the implicit support of the local police, before the crew efficiently evicted the squatters who were working for land pirates, who are now being investigated for forging court documents and fraudulently registering two mortgages, for the purposes of stealing two properties from a granny they really shouldn't have messed with.

Suffice to say, there have been wonderful expressions of support from everybody Rosie knows and much celebration on Southgate Street in particular because it is now so obvious that a just outcome has risen under Common Law from the burning embers of the justice system which so desperately failed her, to elicit the support of the previously unsupportive police and ever-so-diligently exercise her Right of Restitution, with more than a little help from her indomitable friends.

Needless to say, this story doesn't end here, so keep your eyes peeled for the next installment, which will feature the ongoing police investigation into the myriad crimes of the land pirates.

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