Why have so many Russians fled to Serbia?

1 year ago

There are over 200,000 Russians in Serbia. The two nations both share the religion of Eastern Orthodox. Serbia has not imposed sanctions against Russia. There are effectively no barriers for Russians to enter Serbia. Anyone that registers a company or gets a job is granted a residence permit. For everyone else, they can just continuously extend their tourist visa.
Over 60% of Serbs blame NATO and the West for the war with Ukraine. This partly stems from NATO bombing Serbia in the 1999 Kosovo war, which ultimately led to Serbia’s defeat. For the Serbs, Russia is righting a historical wrong in a way.
At first, the people fleeing Russia were dissidents and activists who opposed Putin. The second wave contained many professional and business people that were fleeing the economic consequences of the war.
The capital of Serbia is Belgard where at Deligradska 32 you can find the Russian embassy which is rumored to be full of Russian secret service agent, as well as 62 diplomats.
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