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Richard Lighthouse - Scalar Waves

1 year ago

There are a number for microwave weapons in orbit week we calling for taters these weapons produced a microwave Taylor Bean in other words this is a a new type of technology to operate under very mysterious ways. Mysterious ways. Operates under varied and mysterious ways. Very mysterious ways. Ashley mcbryde actually Friday you can come as early as a hundred years ago they remain not well understood by the Air Force knows how to find design weapons good for the Air Force knows how to make Divine Design weapons that can admit they were being honest is very much if you want to pictures with a laser beam and It produced a perfect it's very much if you want a picture and perfectly straight line in the microwave or microwaves from your microwave oven and it doesn't operate at the exact same frequency of 3930 MHz and the tracking frequency that they use on top of your head is around 3630 700 MHz coach shielding oxygen measured the signal inside and out unfortunate is is very unique because it it doesn't go it doesn't operate like a sine wave like most you radio frequency of microwave family or a sign with a a scalar wave in the ocean in a very thin silk direction of motion is a very sensual choir if you can imagine one that's so fine and so small it can literally penetrate an Abbott and Adam and never touch anything in the atom and never touched anything in the atom Tesla once said he was experimenting with to go through the entire Earth cannot imagine wow find skater WhatsApp. When did sleep when your targeted the first few months or what they called a break-in. And it's designed to soften up the Target now that this is worried that if you go to our gang stalking tab on our website we actually have the training manual that is used to teach agents and operatives how to gang stalking harassing them and one of the mentioned in that training is how the first year Trane manual is how the first few months they like to terrify, ties to the maximum extent possible to neutralize person and get them to lay down and shut up terrify, ties to the maximum extent possible to neutralize in person and get them to lay down and shut up how many people is very effective the microwave beans can be extremely painful I on talking about fishing screaming in pain and there's no way to hide from skater Bean particles in the atmosphere and that's what actually causes the pain to your body drag like a boat way to drag or I9 particles to the apps Ashley called the pain away goes right to your body articles that have dragged along with it charged particles in the atmosphere impact your head it will penetrate the certain death or extremely painful but go to diagram on the website under the naval weapons but this would cause cause so much pain and it has to look at the microwave that are burned all over their body pictures of disturbing but these come from satellite in South Africa most of the time people all over the body and is it said pictures are disturbing I caution you but these come from satellite in South most of the time pictures of people that are burned all over their body and is it said pictures are disturbing a continents of these come from satellite in South Howard most of the time same location on lower legs and feet location on lower legs and feet for whatever a particularly sensitive pictures are of lower legs and feet for what these come from

I know better than that they don't want to help you National academies of science trying to get to a medical doctor National Academy of Science National academies of Science, and trying to get to a medical doctor so of course there's a psychiatrist in your microwave oven and microwave emitter at 2450 MHz frequency which is non-ionized radiation would be like that we've had a number of examples of Target individual thing that they're burned very rapidly like within a matter of seconds it will help with the memory loss in the difficulty of water is an effective Shield against microwavable water absorbs microwave so it's not a hundred percent shielding it is probably nothing like water Ziploc bags filled with water and help us created Globes are bullets of plasma with cross scalar beam sucking the energy out of the air space in a cold explosion causing it to freeze for sending extreme heat and air to burn is a very powerful laser beam please also truck go right through the Earth and create an earthquake at the antipodes of the Earth in Tesla also experiment is doing this multiple scalar wave modes in frequencies can also be Blended together into one being as well tester Globes can be manipulated to be small or large in manifold kinds of energy frequencies and directed to a Target by two or more far away scalar transmitters smoke can be directed towards multiple incoming targets like cannonballs causing major explosions larger less intense Globe SIM can cause the electric to died in a plane helicopter or missile causing it to malfunction in crash land many times to crash planes or helicopters by using a portable scale or bazooka carried by a hidden terrorists for Soldier Soviets use this technology in the Vietnam war against American aircraft clashes with inexplicable causes can be traced to this nothing in the air is safe with Skiller weapons or anything on the ground because any building can be penetrated in the inside contents destroyed for either narrow or wide cross beans Steeler beams can be sent by aircraft or satellite or even from the government UFOs of Russia Britain Australia and America they can be sent from the UFOs the Nazis developed secretly in Germany during WW2 in which were relocated to the underground bases in Antarctica and all over South America before the war ended

Microwave microwave scalar beam in other words this is a new type of Technology microwave scalar beam microwave weapons in orbit week we calling for taters that these weapons produced a microwave scalar be in other words this is a new type of technology that operates under very mysterious ways. Actually described a hundred years ago they were not well understood but they are trying to design weapons perfectly straight coordinated so if you take the microwave then do the microwaves from your microwave oven and then focus it into a beam that's essentially what this is going to take it doesn't operate at the exact same frequency 3930 MHz who's on top your head is around 3630 700 MHz shielding cereals constructed many different boxes in measured the signals inside and out unfortunate descaler Bean is is very unique because it it doesn't go in like most you radio frequency of microwave family or a sign with a scalar wave a very thin silk wire that you can imagine one that's so fine and so small it can literally penetrate inhabit an atom and never touch anything in the atom initially when you're targeted the first few months. And it's designed to soften up the target go to our Hub gangstalking tab on our website we actually had the training manual that is used to teach agents and operatives how to gang stalking her ass of us and one of the mansions in that training manual is how the first few months they like to terrify, possible to neutralize person and get them to lay down and shut up how many people is very effective the microwave beans can be extremely painful I on talking about fishing screaming in pain and there's no way to hide from skater Bean two drags look at your head it will penetrate the front desk or extremely painful diagram on the website under the weapon but this is work hard to look at the pictures of people that are burned all over the body and it said pictures are disturbing at Coffee Bean come from satellite in South Africa most of the time same location on a lot of pictures are of lower legs and feet for whatever reason they find that to be particularly sensitive and hurtful at the same time people feel the need to cover up they don't want to tell anybody there being burned because then they have to try to explain it and doctors have already been told crazy when you showing burns on your body the doctors bath is like I never seen anything like this but I still think you're crazy the microwave and some of them almost instantly like in a matter of seconds we have a person and I'm not going to use it on her face and I sympathize with unfortunately this is not an isolated case we've got dozens of pictures of people that are in the most compelling evidence that we have is to show congressman and we did this in summer of 2019 we visited more than 300 offices in Congress do congressmen and we did this in the summer of 2019 we visited more than 300 offices in Congress if this was summer 2019 we visited more than 300 offices summer of 2019 we visited more than 300 offices in congressman and Senators washing it just show them the reaction you get from congressman is just want to I'm not going to get involved in that I know better than to mess with the CIA Nashville I know better than to mess with you they don't want to help you National academies of science National academies of science how many organizations microwave weapon that's huge for us. Medical doctors in Des Plaines microwave

Microwave microwave scalar beam in other words this is a new type of Technology microwave scalar beam microwave weapons in orbit week we calling for taters that these weapons produced a microwave scalar be in other words this is a new type of technology that operates under very mysterious ways. Actually described a hundred years ago they were not well understood but they are trying to design weapons perfectly straight coordinated so if you take the microwave then do the microwaves from your microwave oven and then focus it into a beam that's essentially what this is going to take it doesn't operate at the exact same frequency 3930 MHz who's on top your head is around 3630 700 MHz shielding cereals constructed many different boxes in measured the signals inside and out unfortunate descaler Bean is is very unique because it it doesn't go in like most you radio frequency of microwave family or a sign with a scalar wave a very thin silk wire that you can imagine one that's so fine and so small it can literally penetrate inhabit an atom and never touch anything in the atom initially when you're targeted the first few months. And it's designed to soften up the target go to our Hub gangstalking tab on our website we actually had the training manual that is used to teach agents and operatives how to gang stalking her ass of us and one of the mansions in that training manual is how the first few months they like to terrify, possible to neutralize person and get them to lay down and shut up how many people is very effective the microwave beans can be extremely painful I on talking about fishing screaming in pain and there's no way to hide from skater Bean two drags look at your head it will penetrate the front desk or extremely painful diagram on the website under the weapon but this is work hard to look at the pictures of people that are burned all over the body and it said pictures are disturbing at Coffee Bean come from satellite in South Africa most of the time same location on a lot of pictures are of lower legs and feet for whatever reason they find that to be particularly sensitive and hurtful at the same time people feel the need to cover up they don't want to tell anybody there being burned because then they have to try to explain it and doctors have already been told crazy when you showing burns on your body the doctors bath is like I never seen anything like this but I still think you're crazy

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