🛑With this Secret Your Life Will Change Completely🙏 Message from God for you 💕 Help from Jesus

1 year ago

🛑With this Secret Your Life Will Change Completely🙏 Message from God for you 💕 Help from Jesus
#prayer #psalms #jesuschrist #family

Moment in Christ: The Promise of Divine Presence

In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, AMEN.

Momento em Cristo channel, where we seek to bring messages of hope and encouragement based on the Word of God. Today we want to remind you, dear brothers and sisters, of the divine promise that He is with us every day, until the end of time.

We know that the Christian path is not always easy. We often feel tired, directionless and alone. However, it is essential to remember that the Word of God is true, living and faithful. It brings us joy and confidence when we recognize and accept the truth that Jesus is with us.

In his words, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI reminds us that Jesus is the true shepherd who knows the way to the valley of death. He himself crossed that road, defeated death, and came back to join us. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the one who lays down his life for his sheep.

Regardless of the situation you find yourself in, there is no reason to fear. Jesus is by your side. He knows your struggles and difficulties, and is there at all times. Even when we face seemingly insurmountable challenges, He walks with us and guides us safely. His faithfulness is unwavering and he will keep all his promises.

Channel post frequencies, Tuesday and Thursday always at 19:03 pm.

Welcome to Momento em Cristo channel page - powerful psalms and prayers! This is a space dedicated to Catholic spirituality, faith and traditions, where we share powerful resources to help you strengthen your connection with God and live a fuller life.
On our channel, you will find a variety of religious content, including powerful Catholic psalms and prayers, inspiring reflections, testimonies of faith and much more.

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