No one can help the CCP to secure its power, except the United States of America

1 year ago

05/31/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson: No one can help the CCP to secure its power, except the United States of America. It's the US money, US technology and US foreign policy on China that enabled the CCP to rise to global power. It's time for America to start facing the fact that the CCP is not a legal representation of the Chinese people. So continuing the diplomatic and trade and economic and financial relationship with the CCP, is a betrayal to the 1.4 billion Chinese people.
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05/31/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson:除了美国,没有其他国家能够帮助中共巩固权力。正是美国的资金、技术和对华外交政策使中共崛起成为全球强国。是时候让美国开始面对这个事实:中共并不代表中国人民的合法权益,与中共继续保持外交、贸易、经济和金融关系,是对14亿中国人民的背叛。
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