Just The Tip #3 | Premature Commitment

1 year ago

PREMATURE COMMITMENT - Unlike a unplanned finish.. some of you guys rush to the finish line from a lady offering sexual access.

Truth is:
- Ladies control sexual access
- Men control relationship access

MEN: Men who have no value, give relationship access unearned from himself not building himself up and her not knowing her role in being a companion. Everybody wants the title but doesn’t know biologically how to play their role.

For a commitment to be valued, there must be more than just your physical attraction. She had to equally compliment your life as your expected to protect and provide, socially and innately as a protector.

If you are young, it requires you build yourself up of value. Until you do, you won’t even be selected in the attraction department or be seen of “value l if you are not contributing to society. Commitment prematurely can cause unrealistic expectations bc you feel in love with an idea. Men are “idealistic” visual and that is downfall you must recognise bc ladies can be “opportunistic”, for biological security reasons. She wants the best protector and provider or a solid one who can understand he’ll know how to lead.

Many young men end up with a child or divorce bc you had great attraction. However, you equally need someone that nutures aspects of your effort to provide and protect them.

LADIES: your retention level is much higher meeting this man in the middle, being of service to what he built if you respect what he does. Your softness and nature to nurture will only enhance his desire to provide and protect you. Your pet Beagle 🐕 is not a child🤣 ..learn how to work with the opposite gender instead of hiding behind pets bc innately that’s a by product of maternity and motherhood.❤️

Learn what value there is in both genders and learn to compliment eachother better spiritually.🙏🏾❤️🙌🏾

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