Fried Aromatic Tofu – Mendol Tahu Recipe

1 year ago

Fried Aromatic Tofu – Mendol Tahu Tutorial Video Recipe

600g mashed tofu
80g egg white
300ml vegetable oil
Ground Spices;
4 shallots
4 cloves garlic
3 fresh chillies
2 kafir lime leaf
1 tsp salt
1 tsp mushroom stock
quarter tsp white pepper powder

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour

1. Grind the spices in a pestle & mortar, until they're well mixed.
2. Add to the mashed tofu & combine well.
3. Heat the oil in a pan or wok.
4. Add a spoonful of the tofu mixture at a time, keeping them separated.
5. Turn them over half way through cooking.
6. Strain them from the pan once they're golden brown.
7. Serve as a snack, side dish or main meal.

Best to eat straight away, but will keep for a couple of days in the fridge once they've cooled down.

Serving Suggestions:
Serves around four or five people. Can be served as a main or side dish, it's also great with a dip or sauce.

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Bahasa Indonesia....

600g tahu yang sudah di haluskan.
80g putih telur
300ml minyak sayur
Bumbu halus;
4 bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
3 buah cabai segar
2 lembar daun jeruk purut
1 sdt garam
1 sdt kaldu jamur
seperempat sdt bubuk lada putih

Waktu Persiapan: 20 menit
Waktu Memasak: 40 menit
Total Waktu: 1 jam

1. Giling atau uleg bumbu dengan alu & cobek, hingga tercampur rata.
2. Tambahkan tahu yang sudah dihaluskan & aduk rata.
3. Panaskan minyak dalam wajan.
4. Tambahkan sesendok adonan tahu sekaligus, pisahkan.
5. Balik setengah jalan saat memasak.
6. Setelah berwarna cokelat keemasan tiriskan.
7. Sajikan sebagai snack, lauk atau makanan utama.

Lebih baik dimakan langsung, tetapi akan disimpan selama beberapa hari di lemari es setelah dingin.

Saran Penyajian:
Melayani sekitar empat atau lima orang. Bisa disajikan sebagai lauk utama atau lauk, juga enak dengan saus atau saus.

Enjoy !!!

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