Sail Away by Earth, Wind and Fire ~ Meditation is Sailing Strait Into God's Single Eye

1 year ago

Sail Away is a song that is very similar, in theme and style, to that of Christopher Cross's Sailing...both Songs are ALLEGORIES for Meditation, where when we let go of the Physical World, and hand ourselves, Freely, over to God, then we Sail the Strait and Narrow Sea so that we may Enter into God's Realm via the Strait Gate...

And no matter wherever we may go, Love's Sweet Melody is only a Stilling of your Heart Rate Away, as when you enter back into the Silence of Meditation, you are once again upon your Mighty Sailing Ship, adrift upon God's Sea, in Peace, Harmony and Love, Sweet Love...

So, Sailaway, Sailaway, Sailaway from the Physical Realm controlled by the Hands of Man, for the Perfection and Grace of your INNER World, where every Pathway to your Heart's Desire, is awaiting for you, Eternally evermore...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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