Daily Chess play - 1373 - Brain stopped working in Game 3 XD

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 14, Opponent sacrifices Bishop on h6. Didn't see the threat so I took it. Move 17, he moves his pawn to g4 but then I can start checking his King with Knight on f3. This would lead to checkmate in 2.

8:13 Game 2:
Fast game as I Checkmate White in 12 Moves.

10:23 Game 3:
Move 19, This is where I start making bad moves. First I take pawn on a4 with Knight while Rook is guarding XD. Then on Move 27, I hang my Rook on c3 in front of his Queen. I should have just resigned but I play until I get checkmated.

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