#Giants #Nephilim Origin & in the #TRIBULATION #TikTok #scottavitch #Bible #Study #Short #Apocalypse

1 year ago

The seed #war for #humanity rages on and the #Tribulation has a story line as written, we are in the #LastDays or #endtimes. The #HolySpirit speaks to us through the #Bible #Nephilim #Rephaim. There is nothing new under the sun. God’s creation and humanity’s dominion are being modified and usurped by our adversary through the seed war. None other than “the prince of the air”, "the roaring lion seeking those to devour", "he that is in this world", is seeking to usurp humanity’s dominion. Arm up and let your ears hear and your eyes see the pattern of #deception brought before you. Accept God’s plan of salvation in Christ and with the Holy Spirit embrace your inheritance and royalty of God’s magnificence… Amen!!!

If you haven’t received Christ today you WILL NOT be included in being spared from God’s wrath poured out upon the earth… The groom being Jesus will come to take his bride, ergo, the church… Then, According to the prophesy of Daniel and Revelation, the GREAT TRIBULATION or Jacobs Troubles… 31/2 yrs of peace and conquering, then 31/2 yrs of God the Father pouring out his wrath upon the earth against the wicked. DON’T BE LEFT BEHIND… Repent and accept Christ as your savior and you can discern truth through the Holy Spirit.

Mat 24:(37) But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (38) For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

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