1 year ago


Set the J6 prisoners free
From the gulag in DC
Justice for all Total amnesty
Ring the bell of liberty
And set the J6 prisoners free

Rotting away day after day in a DC jail
Locked up without trial Locked up without bail
Convicted of crimes they did not commit
The patriots are all innocent so

Set the J6 prisoners free
From the gulag in DC
Justice for all Total amnesty
Ring the bell of liberty
And set the J6 prisoners free

The uniparty stole the 2020 election
The people protested the seditious deception
January 6th a deep state insurrection
Where is the video that proves the connections ? to

Set the J6 prisoners free
From the gulag in DC
Justice for all Total amnesty
Ring the bell of liberty
And set the J6 prisoners free

It was all a set up by the FBI
To frame Trump and cover up their crimes
The J 6 committtee show trial
The fake news propagated the big lie so

For wrongful death and illegal incarceration
Make the DNC pay the reparations
For all those in prison For those who died
Remember the ones who lost their lives

Justice for Ashli Babbit
Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greeson
Matthew Perna and Roseanne Boyland

Set the J6 prisoners free
From the gulag in DC
Justice for all Total amnesty
Ring the bell of liberty
And set the J6 prisoners free

The blood is on the hands of the commie regime
The government criminals the capitol police
Biden Obama and the RNC
Schumer Bowser and Pelosi

On each one let justice be served
Let them all get what they deserve
With God as my witness By God's holy word
Military tribunals when Trump returns to

Set the J6 prisoners free
From the gulag in DC
Justice for all Total amnesty
Ring the bell of liberty
And set the J6 prisoners free

Set the j6 prisoners free
Set the j6 prisoners free
Set the J6 prisoners free

Lyrics and music by
Joseph S Perna
Copyright 2023

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