Deviant Predator Awareness Month #dpam

1 year ago

June is Deviant Predator Awareness Month

All month deviant predators expose themselves by wearing rainbow colors, skipping around, and... well acting gay.

This is the month, more than others, where the CMDPSF+ (child molester, deviant predator, sick freak +) community shows their true rainbow colors. They actively, aggressively, and abusively attack innocent children, weak-minded adults, and defenseless handicapped people of all ages.

All this is done under the misused term, "pride". The term, "deceptive" more accurately describes the people participating in these degenerate activities and depraved lifestyles. The CMDPSF+ community acts under the guise of "celebratory" parties, parades, and shows. However, their true intention is to deceive, degrade, and deprave.

The number one FACT about the CMDPSF+ is that they are not "born" that way. People generally become CMDPSF+ because of abuse. (1) These are people that were molested, at one point in their lives, and in order to justify and reconcile that abuse, they continue the abuse cycle. (2) Some people develop a disposition to abuse and enjoy the mental satisfaction and physical gratification from abusing others. (3) Who cares! Stay away! They are deviant predators.

#dpam #cmdpsf #deviantpredatorawarenessmonth #deviantpredator #deceptive #deceive #degrade #deprave #abuse #abusecycle #stayaway

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