6/5/23 Apocalypse Soon "The Counterfeit Messiah" part 1 S2E6p1

1 year ago

“Apocalypse Soon”
Our abbreviated Season Two is coming to an end this week, friends, and we want to go out with a bang. Today we’ll define what it means to be a counterfeit messiah, and turn to the book of Revelation to see the consequences of following one. Throughout the week, we’ll see surprising ways that false christs have manifested throughout history, and maybe realize that history repeats itself whether we want it to or not.

"The Counterfeit Messiah" Part 1: 6/5/23
This week we’re tackling an issue that Jesus Himself says is so deceptive that it will cost the salvation of the very elect of God, if that were possible: false christs and false prophets.

Season 2 Episode 6
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