Another Football player collapsed during Training !!! - Anders Christiansen (Malmö - Sweden)

1 year ago

I don't know if he was injected, but seems likely.

He now needs some type of pacemaker...

It was on Wednesday last week that Anders Christiansen became dizzy during a training session with Malmö FF.

The MFF captain lay on the grass for about 20 minutes with his legs in a raised position before he got up and slowly left the field together with the physiotherapist Jesper Robertsson.

- Everything seemed fine, from a medical perspective, when he was inside. The medical team said that all values ​​look good, coach Henrik Rydström said afterwards.

Anders Christiansen operated on the ICD
Malmö FF then announced that Christiansen went to hospital for further examinations - including a heart check.

Now the club announces that the star had an ICD, a type of pacemaker, implanted in the hospital. At the same time, it is clear that Christiansen will be out of action for the rest of the season.

- We are extremely sad for Anders. The most important thing for all of Malmö FF is now to give him all the support we can and that he gets time to gather and recover in peace, says Malmö FF's sporting director Daniel Andersson in a press release.

Anders Christiansen will undergo further investigations in the future. The club writes in a press release that the team captain "under the circumstances is doing well and is at home with his family".


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