mRNA Shedding: Spike Protein Causes MASSIVE Inflammation Increase In Human Body

1 year ago

Jun 01, 2023

The vaccine's deadlines isn't limited to just the vaccinated. Spike proteins may be able to jump hosts, and spread their clot-inducing health hazards to everyone! The Final Days may be approaching, but The Wellness Company is here to help with their all-natural, clot-killing supplements and products.

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Dr. Robert Seik from The Wellness Company joins Stew to detail the very real impacts of the vaccine and it's ability to shed from host to host.

Dr. Seik demonstrates that the vaccines may be potent enough to show an increase of spike proteins in the body, even if the individual is not vaccinated.

Testing for spike protein load in the body can be difficult, given that many tests are as faulty as the COVID-PCRs.

Nevertheless, Dr. Seik testifies that these dangerous proteins are in the bodies of the unvaccinated in concerning amounts, some individuals facing risks of microclots.

Natural methods for reducing the risks of clotting and spike protein contamination do exist and can be found at The Wellness Company!

Many of the supplements provided by The Wellness Company have been utilized to promote immune and general health throughout history.

The Japanese made use of Nattokinase, which is proven to break down the clotting that exists in the body to help decrease the possibility of blockages and strokes.
Dr. Seik was able to help his brother who showed high risk for clotting through an elevated D-Dimer test, using the Nattokinase!

Supplements such as dandelion roots and sea moss alongside intermittent fasting, Dr. Seik says, promotes the body to "chew up" micro clots!

Final Days may be here, but don't let the threat of despicable spike proteins stop you from fighting against the vaccines and Globalists!

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