Episode 133, "Rudolph Steiner, Anthropo-Gnosticism, Ahriman, and Punk"

1 year ago

-In previous podcasts, Andrew For America discussed Rudolph Steiner, founder of the spiritual science known as, "Anthroposophy." He talked about a famous quote by Steiner, in which Steiner talks about a "future vaccine" that will "remove the soul and spirit of humanity." In this quote, Steiner claims that the vaccine will become an "arymanique force." Andrew did some digging and discovered that what Steiner is referring to is the ancient Zoroastrian god of war and chaos known as, "Ahriman," the embodiment of evil! The "Ahrimanic Deception" refers to a coming "occult war" for world rule!

-The song selection is the song, "Right Off A Cliff" by Andrew For America.

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