Kim Osbøl: FRUSTRATION! Into the Badlands and 'The Sound of Silence'! [01.06.2023]

1 year ago

Note: We are at WAR right now...

And these sick Satanic pedophile psychopaths are going after the children...

And that for many many years now...

And I have for a Fucking long time felt FRUSTRATION!

"Frustration is a common emotional response to opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment. Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of an individual's will or goal and is likely to increase when a will or goal is denied or blocked.[1][2][3]"

Yeah since 2016/17 I can tell you, but don'r worry, I can 'control' it... :)

And how do I control it?

I have trained all my life... Still do, another way today because of my bad knees, back and neck etc...

Then I started change my diet, filered and Vortex all my water, no meat, bread, sugar and so on, I still 'work' on my diet that every Fucking day, not easy, but I have Fucking lost over 30 kg since early 2020..

Getting outside is very important, a lot of fresh air, sun, meet people and be 'social'.

And a last, I read and Write and share a lot in public... and now after this Fucking PLAN-Demic I now make videos to... Just like I wrote in my 'Description' on Bitchute, this is my Diary, so when I Die, everyone can read and see what my opinion is about everything...

And again, I Fucking know nothing, but I have a Fucking opinion about everything..

And Opinions are like Assholes.. Everone have one :)

So my opinion is today;

Any Public person who do NOT goes Public and tell what's going on are a Traitor to their Country!

About 99% of all the Public 'Freedom Fighter' I knew and have 'worked' with since 2016 ingore me today and block me from FB.

That's okay, I dont give a Fuck about it...

You have a 'problem' with me, Fuck of, 'Problem' solved...

And even if I send the videos and links for verification and proof, these idiots stil refuse to research it...

And I don't give a Fucking Shit if they are Brainwashed..

These are NOT Fucking Stupid people we here are talking about...

How the Fuck can the trust a 'System' and Politicians who have Fucked them in the Ass several times over many years...

I Fucking dont...

There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!

The Controlled Opposition Psyop's are Fucking everywhere here in Denmark....

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

"To be sure I must; and therefore I may assume, that your silence gives consent!" - Plato (427 BCE—347 BCE)

And yes, I know I have to Forgive theses people...

Fucking hard for me... I Fucking 'work' on it every Fucking Day..

Okay I better stop now, I can keep on going ramblin for fucking several hours :)

Into the Badlands S03E13 Soundtrack
E13 • Black Lotus, White Rose

Disturbed - The Sound of Silence "Lyrics"
An angel in the darkness
65.7K subscribers
41,564,235 views Jan 17, 2017

Into the Badlands - Season 3 - Episode 13 : Black Lotus, White Rose
Kim Osbøl - Born [1964] and raised in Copenhagen Denmark, Freedom Fighter and Internet Warrior from #HadetsSange - and a product of the Sick Danish 'welfare' system [Satanic Facism]. (main) (main)
Rumble #2: (2 strikes in 1 day) (on hold) (Banned and blocked!)
[Since 2017]
YT #2:

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