Joe Fell! Everybody's a Victim! Teen Births 'Low'! | Fri. 6-2-23

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Biden fell yet again! N-word in Mark Twain classic! Victim blacks, Jews, Palestinians, immigrants! Love your neighbor! Teen births new low, bad news!

The Hake Report, Friday, June 2, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Topics: Biden fell! Huck Finn, Israel, immigrants
0:03:53 Hey, guys! La la la Hake tee (Desert Pink)
0:08:15 Sleepy Joe fell! Trump vs Joe Walsh
0:20:54 Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn, 'N' word
0:30:48 JC, AR: You are "N-word Jim"! Racist jokes!
0:35:20 WILLIAM: Bubba Smollett almost got in a fight!
0:43:33 Dale Jr: Bubba puts up w/ S-H-word (NASCAR)
0:47:09 ADL Greenblatt vs Tlaib, CUNY grad "HaTe SpEeCh"
0:56:18 Sadness and Joy - Jacky Cheung (1998, Free Yourself)
1:01:52 Supers: GINGER, Coffees, Shirt, Nancy Pelosi
1:05:36 KEITH, IL: Migrants in Chicago, blacks mad
1:14:08 Independence and freedom
1:17:45 Jewish billboard: "Love your neighbor." Nice!
1:20:12 Illegal MS-13 allegedly offed 15yo in MD
1:26:20 SERGE, MO: POC birthrates not as high as predicted
1:34:12 Day without immigrants protest DeSantis law
1:39:48 Super: Beware "neighbor" means fellow Jew
1:42:28 PETE, AK: Whites is a color!
1:45:27 Teen births a "historic low," not due to morality
1:50:55 RICK, VA: You have to want the deliverance
1:54:44 Thanks, all! Call me Monday!
1:55:17 Ever Changing - Jacky Cheung (1988, In a Dream Last Night)




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