POETRY - A Child's Delight in God's Creation

1 year ago

A Child's Delight in God's Creation

In a world so big and grand,
I see God's magic everywhere I stand.
With my eyes, I can see,
The beauty of nature, so lovely and free.

The sky above, so vast and blue,
Where fluffy clouds are drifting through.
The sun shines bright, giving us light,
God's creation, oh, what a sight!

I run in fields of green and gold,
Where flowers bloom, so brave and bold.
Butterflies dance in the warm spring air,
God's touch is everywhere.

I listen to the birds that sing,
Their melodies make my heart take wing.
They chirp and tweet from tree to tree,
Their songs of joy, a gift to me.

The rivers flow, the oceans roar,
God's creation, I adore.
The fish swim beneath the waves,
In a world God so beautifully engraves.

I pick up rocks and marvel at their hue,
Each one unique, just like me and you.
God painted them with colors bright,
To bring us joy and pure delight.

From the tiniest ant to the tallest tree,
God's creation is a wonder to see.
I thank Him every single day,
For the beauty He brings my way.
©2023-Elena Cooper
Original content by Elena Cooper
Video edited by Elena Cooper
Video clips by Free Royalty Pixabay
Music by Jordan Jessep

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