"Raising Lazarus-A Reflection of Raising the Dead in Spirit ...the Last Days"

1 year ago

The STENCH OF THE ABOMINABLE! Are you CHOSEN? Are you one of the FEW? Are you still in your grave clothes? Join us for a live teaching! Sarah, Shannon and Andrea will share prophetic spoken words, warnings and the end times to the CALLED and CHOSEN! As the chosen, we will suffer for our being chosen!

Take off the grave clothes study: https://spiritandtruthonline.org/take-off-the-grave-clothes/
Study 1 Peter 1! https://youtu.be/V5R3hjiMDEM
Beget into a new life: https://youtube.com/live/KSiDnRGWu7E
Zombies (spiritual):

False Teachers/Prophets or in False Religion: https://youtube.com/live/wC_tnc75Y8o

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