1 Cor. 2. Without the preaching, bibles and religions of men Christ wouldn't have been crucified.

1 year ago

Ever since the beginning and the first fall of man Gen. 2:17-4:12, and during the 1680 years of the second fall of man 2 Thess. 2:1-11, "men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither have the eye seen, O Elohim, beside You, the wisdom from above, that He has prepared for him that waits for Him” Isa. 64:4.
For 1680 years, the Lord hid His face Ezek. 39:25-29, power, glory, majesty, kingdom Matt. 13:11, Royal Law of Love James 2:8, will Eph. 1:9, manna Rev. 2:17, revelation 1 Cor. 2:7, wisdom James 3:17, truth 2 Thess. 2:10; John 8:32, "which none of the rulers of this world have known: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory," nor could they have ruled over this world with the wisdom from below James 3:15 subjective truth and pseudo-science of men which is earthly, beastly and demon-like for the past 1680 years.,

The wisdom/truth/Bible from above is the great mystery of the Gospel and is what the second coming of Christ is about Matt. 13:11; 1 Cor. 2:7.
The wisdom from above is hidden manna, the hidden will of the Lord Eph. 1:9, hidden revelation 1 Cor. 2:7, given in the last days or end times of the wisdom from below James 3:15-18; Dan. 12:4; Dan. 2:44; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; 2 Pet. 3, etc. The wisdom from above versus men's wisdom is what Christian spiritual warfare, or the great fight of faith, that lasts for 40 years Micah 7:15, is about Judas 3,
It's the truth that we have apostatized from for the last 1680 years that has been the cause of all human suffering 2 Thess. 2:3, 10; Job; James 5:7-11.
It's the truth that Jesus promised will set us free from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32: Eph. 4:14. It's the supernatural objective truth, science, wisdom, Bible from God 1 Cor. 2:6-16. It's the Perfect Law of Liberty James 1:25. It's the Royal Law James 2:8. It's the Word of God. It's the Lamp that safely guides our feet. It is the real thing and its restoration Rev. 5:1ff is the way the Lord saves us from this perverse generation. Christ is back in these last days, wielding from heaven, the Sword of the Spirit, the wisdom from above in part, 1 Cor. 13: 9-12; Micah 7:15. It is as high as the heavens above the men's wisdom exceeding abundantly greater than we could have possibly imagined Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 3:20.
Satan has been lying to us for the past 1680 years. No, men cannot preach or give bibles or faith systems to men like Christ! There is one true faith/Bible/truth/wisdom from our Lord the only mediator/preacher between God and man, and it is back!
As of 2023, we are in three years of pre-Christianity, as foreshadowed by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
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To learn more about the promised second coming 2 Pet. 3, follow us for free. Allow the way, the truth, and the life to save you from this perverse generation!


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