May 17, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... You fight against Me, that is why Things do not go well with you

1 year ago

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You fight against Me, that is why Things do not go well with you

May 17, 2023 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, dear family, with the sweet presence of our Lord and His anchoring love to keep us in His arms.

Today I want to talk about a little prayer project we are working on, a place to pray, and we are already getting opposition, and you know that, whenever you want to move forward, the devil always wants to push you backwards, so we are praying through it. I have been sitting and feeling pitiful, eating a couple of little, tiny brownie bits to wake me up because my blood sugar gets low when I am praying. Someone else in the room had a nice bag of chips they were crunching on, and it was noisy!

I felt so foolish and thought... Lord, we just do not make it, we just do not make the bill. You know, for a religious order, we are just way too rag tag, little ducks from Mars. Lord, I have never felt so rag tag in my life, eating during prayer, me and my brownies. Wow, something needs to change.

(Jesus) “You have the right idea, that is, if you must eat, do it so discretely that no one knows. On the other hand, I would prefer that you eat before prayer. Some of you have blood sugar issues that call for more leniency because of the length of prayer. Others are strong enough not to be eating during prayer. The main objective, though, however you look at it, is PRAYER from the HEART. Yes, you are my little ragtag ones. Surely you would be scorned by the Curia..."

(Clare) The Roman Curia is the government of the church.

(Jesus) “But I say to you... Those who scorn you, scorn Me, but the church is changing. The ones who uphold My church are very little and hidden. They have no desire for respect and notoriety, they have experienced how much that gets in the way of true devotion to Me and Me alone. There will be an unadulterated SHOCK when I make My assignments in My Church. Oh yes, they will all be there to see who I honor and entrust with My flock. It will be fun, so much fun.”

(Clare) Fun?

(Jesus) “Yes, the expressions on the faces will be very humorous and entertaining, just like your favorite movie 'The Reluctant Saint' - Do not despair, there will be room for you too, My Love.”

(Clare) I was thinking about how prissy I can be at times, taken up more with external things instead of just the heart. I said... Yes, I know I can be fussy about some things, the problem is that I cannot live up to all those things that should appear perfect. I always fail miserably.

(Jesus) “And you always will, for I will never allow that kind of dignity in your life, you will always be a little duck from Mars. It is nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, it is very freeing. I never called My Apostles to be picture perfect in finely tailored clothing. Rags will do quite well. Now, let's move on...

“This is a season of moving onward and upward. Do not be surprised if houses spring up around the world, that is exactly My intention. Not that they will be noticed by the people of Earth, but by the saints of Heaven. I am happy that you are moving forward with the place to pray, it is quite a project, but one ordained from Heaven and surrounded by My handpicked warriors. I am sending help, and when I open a door, no one can close it. So, rest in peace.”

(Clare) Thank You Lord, I needed to hear that. I really did, because I am beginning to feel the heat.

(Jesus) “If ever there was a doubt in your mind, recall the barrenness of this place four years ago. Am I not faithful? Am I not capable? There have been many skirmishes and outright wars against you and the community, but I tell you the truth... Those who have cursed you are paying a high price, and I intend to raise the bar.

“All of you who have hated without cause, you have been misled by others of a more sinister nature. You are being used to oppose Me, that is why things have not gone well with you in the past year. Don’t you know that it is written... Those who curse My people, I shall curse?

“The last thing I want for you in your lives is suffering and loss, but you are not living by My rules, and a life of rebellion does have consequences. I reach out My loving hand to you, and you slap it down. So long as you are doing that, how can I answer your prayers? My angels stand back and are dismayed at your misfortune, but they cannot intervene as long as you falsely accuse and persecute My vessels. How long do you want this losing streak to continue in your lives? You are sadly mistaken if you believe I do not see and hear all that you do to oppose and ridicule Me, My servants and My Bride.

“Yet I am a God of Mercy. I do not wish to see the harm you have brought down on yourselves. My heart is to bless you, increase you, and protect you. But I cannot do this as long as you fall in with the workers of iniquity and Satan. It is your choice. I am pleading with you. Yes, I am God, and I am pleading with you: Stop persecuting My servants, because the consequences of this are going to get much worse, and that is not what My heart of mercy and love wants. You are fighting against Me, not against a woman and families who love Me, but Me.

“What I have planned, I will do, and in doing that I want to bless you and your families, so please, lay down your swords, be kind, be good neighbors, and I will reverse all of your misfortune and losses.”

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