Electroplated Super Capacitor

1 year ago

Electroplating process for super atom thick process for graphite rod super capacitors (non-electrolytic solid state thin film super capacitor, no dual layer, direct capacitance, central rod can be even charred wood). Capacitor does not explode because of water steaming at above 100C temperatures. Brush rub coat graphite on top of the thin passive oxide layer on the electroplate to get it conductive, then electroplate then next thin metal layer, into a super packed super capacitor. After coating with graphite, the surface becomes nearly frictionless, not applying more graphite, like saturating/limiting the graphite layer height, minimizing the total layer volume. The super capacitor grows on the spinning graphite rod cylinder on a production line or as even small batches or individual parts. Can be used to make metal foils in sheet rolls, for metal-air fuel cells. Metals detach from plastic mold/support by heating the metal close to the plastic melting point.

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