Clip - The Secret of Plato's Atlantis. Lord John Francis Arundell. Analysis of Ignatius Donnelly's

1 year ago

I. Plato’s Atlantis, Mr. Donnelly’s Theory
II. Conjecture as to the probable Basis op Plato’s Atlantis
III. Further Conjectures—Diluvian Traditions
IV. Recent Testimonies
V. Alternative Theories
Appendix A : The ” Periplus ” of Hanno
Appendix B : Plato’s Atlantis
Appendix C : Theory as to the Prominence of the Bull in Tradition

The following pages were written for the Month, but in
the course of writing extended themselves beyond the
limits of a magazine article ; the third chapter more
particularly becoming too elaborate in form for suitable
publication in a periodical. I have, therefore, preferred
to publish them separately. As, however, it would have
involved too much trouble to have rewritten and recast
the articles, I have printed them in their original form,
as addressed to the readers of the Month.
The subject, at least, is a curious and interesting
one ; and Mr. Donnelly's work, which was the occasion of
the articles being written, contains much curious speculation,
and is written in a style calculated to give zest to
the inquiry. It has had a wide circulation.
I cannot expect the same circulation for this little
volume, more especially as the theory it offers is not of
the same romantic and popular character ; but I hope it
may contribute something towards the solution of an
interesting and difficult question.

Plato's atlantis—Mr. Donnelly's theory.
A BOOK which is now (1883) in its seventh edition seems
to claim some reply from the point of view of Tradition.
It is entitled Atlantis': the Antediluvian World* and,
in fact, announces that the Deluge, in which we have
hitherto believed and have called universal, at any rate to
the extent of the destruction of all mankind,t did not
really occur, but that the subsidence of the island or continent
of Atlantis at some indefinite period was attended
by very similar circumstances, and that it is the tradition
of this catastrophe which has somehow spread through all
countries, which has created the impression of a universal
deluge ; in other words, that there was a deluge, but a
deluge as revealed according to Plato, and not according
to Moses.

Philosophy is the study of problems concerning matters as fundamental as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Pythagoras (c. 570–495 BC) is said to have coined the term. Philosophical methods were applied through questioning, critical discussion, rational arguments, and systematic presentations on questions like “Is it possible to know anything and to prove it?” Major areas in academic philosophy include metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, logic, philosophy of science, and the history of Western philosophy.

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