The targeted individual program psychotronic weapons

1 year ago

FYI #big_time_censorship as always moreover the view counter not counting all views at all !!!!!!

There can be no doubt, that the targeted individual program has gone public, and the uses of psychotronic and electromagnetic communication systems have also mainly by the intelligence agencies own uses of these systems, in public made it so, that they can no longer legally claim secrecy your national security over these weapons systems, that they are flaunting in public, however you know as well as I do they want their cake and eat it too.

As the so-called protagonist of the global social engineering and intelligence operation a.k.a. the targeted individual program that has gone public, I am subjected to a plethora of these psychotronic weapons systems and electromagnetic communication systems.

I want to highlight how my sleep is not only being sabotaged by sleep deprivation and the notorious CIA frequent flyer program, however when I am finally allowed to have some resemblance of sleep, it is being completely overridden and my sleeping thought processes are being broadcasted too or hacked, in fact I would go so far as to call it brainwashing with brain entrainment simultaneously, many times showing me mental images and virtual movies over and over again on an endless loop, and every time I wake up to a new day, I find myself having been the protagonist, in all kinds of propaganda movies and campaigns, that have also being broadcasted to the public by the state arbiters of this global social engineering and intelligence operation.

Just as routinely as these hacks and disruptions of my sleep, they are to the public proclaiming that these brainwashing campaigns against me, that are actually occurring 365 day a year, against my will and without my consent, are supposedly my own thoughts, dreams or fantasies, and I am literally being made responsible and liable for these propaganda campaigns, that have been specifically designed by the state arbiters of the program, to serve their own interests in every which way possible, hence why they are being broadcasted to the public at large on a continuous basis, and yet I Stephen Bell am responsible and liable just because they say so! especially for the narratives within these propaganda campaigns that are always extremely detrimental to my own interests, it’s funny how that works no?

Being made responsible for someone’s hijacking of one’s thoughts processes while you sleep is beyond absurd and ludicrous, and as a recipient of this kind of brainwashing and brain entrainment, the latter is the literal manipulation of your brainwave activity to cause the desired effects, as many other targeted individual people from all over the world know, you have absolutely no control over any of the information that is being broadcasted to your thought processes, they can say, claim and show whatever they please, and they are doing so, without me being able to do anything about it whatsoever! because of the fundamental facts, the human body and mind, literally has no firewall!

As a relevant example, they could proclaim that I am Jeffrey Epstein incarnated out here raping and pillaging, small villages on a daily basis and enjoyed doing it, and I could not change that particular narrative in any way shape or form regardless that I’m not raping or pillaging anybody, let alone villages, so facts and my actual acts and words in real life, are completely inconsequential! Their propaganda movies and narratives have already been written and they are being broadcasted as they have been designed regardless of what the supposed protagonist in all of these narratives think, do or say to the contrary.

And that is how this works there can be no doubt!
This is written by Stephen Bell on 1 June 2023

#the_setup_is_real #active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #synthetic_telepathy_communications_system

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