A.rtificial I.mmortality _ AI Technology _ Bina48 _ Documentary _ Biotechnology

1 year ago

A.rtificial I.mmortality - If you could create an immortal version of yourself, would you? Once the stuff of science fiction, A.I. experts now see it as possible. This feature documentary explores the latest thinking and technological advancements in AI.

A.rtificial I.mmortality (2021)
Director: Ann Shin
Writers: Shannon Kennedy, Erica Leendertse, Julia Nunes
Stars: Bina48, Nick Bostrom, Lincoln Cannon
Genre: Documentary
Country: Canada
Language: English
Also Known As: Artificial Immortality
Release Date: April 29, 2021 (Canada)
Filming Location: Canada

If you were able to create an immortal version of yourself, would you? Until this decade, that question was the stuff of science fiction, but now experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics suggest it will indeed be possible. This feature documentary explores the latest advancements in AI, robotics and biotech including such innovations as 3D mindclone avatars, brain organoids grown in petri dishes, and android robots who see beauty in the universe. Can we replicate the human mind--let alone the human soul? This question is explored with visionaries including: Nick Bostrom, author of Superintelligence; Japanese roboticist, Hiroshi Ishiguro; Douglas Rushkoff, author of Team Human; Ben Goertzel, founder of Singularity.net; and Deepak Chopra, who is creating his own A.I. mind twin. Some visionaries see humanity advancing toward a new age of post-biological life, a world of intelligence without bodies, immortal identity without the limitations of disease, death, and unfulfilled desire. As scientists point us toward a world where humans and machines are merged, we have to ask ourselves will AI be the best, or the last thing we ever do?

"A fascinating foray deep into the realms of artificial intelligence, machine learning and biotechnology."
— National Post - Chris Knight

"The movie at once understands both the beauty and enormity of the possibilities."
— Global News - Chris Jancelewicz

"A.rtificial I.mmortality is a brilliant examination of clones and what they may ultimately mean for the future of humanity."
— POV Magazine - Marc Glassman

Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) A.rtificial I.mmortality
Norway Artificial Immortality
Poland AI: Sztuczna nieśmiertelność(Festival Title)
United States A.rtificial I.mmortality

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#ai #artificalintelligence #documentary

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